Epilogue - 1

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Part 1

"Nick! You come inside right now, or I'll not hesitate to throw your kids from the balcony!" Evelyn screamed.

Nicholas gave a tired sigh, looking at Mark and Oliver who were chuckling at him. Throwing a glare at them, he went inside to check on his wife. 'What did they do now?' He thought.

"In the kitchen!" she called out to him.

"What-" Once he entered, he saw the floor covered with flour and his kids bathed with it.

"Do you still have to ask me what's happened?" She said pointing at the two.

"I din do ith. Ith was all her." His son answered brilliantly pointing at his elder sister. Though he still had to work on his pronunciation, the boy was already on his father's footsteps.

"The idea wasn't mine either." His daughter replied still playing with the flour.

He looked at his wife who was now sitting on the kitchen counter staring at him.

"Mommy is over reacting, Daddy." His daughter chuckled.

"I don't know where she gets the confidence to talk like that. With me." His wife hissed at her. While he clearly remembered that, she was the one who wanted their children to have every freedom, who didn't want to have any control over any aspect of her child's life.
Of course he couldn't say it to her face now.

He turned around to his kids, laughing at his wife's distress. One glare from their father and they both shut up, scrambling up to their feet to run.

"Stop right there! Both of you!" He shouted. And everyone there knew that if Daddy was angry then it was serious.
"Why were you both playing with the flour?!"

"Oh, it seems someone gave an idea to them that they can make clay with flour." Evelyn sat back enjoying this.

"You both will not enter the kitchen from now on- "

"But- Daddy... pwease?" His daughter now came back to her original self. All confidence, gone.

"We canth come tho the kitchen. We canth enther the garden. We canth play with wather in the bathroom." His son huffed.

One more glare and all their tantrums had seized. "Out!" He said pointing outside the kitchen.

"Wasn't that a little too rude?" His wife asked once the children had left the room. Now he stared at his wife.

"Are you playing with me now Eve? You were the one who called me here in the first place." Recently he was so done with his wife and kids. Without any word he left the place rolling his eyes.

Evelyn's POV

Wasn't that just a simple question. I didn't even scream at him for being rude or anything. I just asked him. I really didn't understand why he was so annoyed. I was the one who her kids hated right now. I was the one whose husband didn't like spending time with.

I went to my kids, to give them a bath. My son's face brightened as he saw me but my daughter... well she was a different matter. She, being the eldest by twelve minutes, ruled her father. Nick never accepts that he loves Thea more than Aaron. But we all know who's more pampered.

We've been a happy family until recently, if this is how my kids behave at this age, I don't know how I'll handle them during their teenage. Everything was fine until, lately, I feel like I'm being treated like shit in my own house. And the first time I regretted getting married and having kids.

"Mamma... Thea was righth. If we do things like this, you will love us more than this baby." He came running to hug me.

Thea's eye went huge with fear now. "Aaron? More than this baby?" I asked. He smiled brightly without understanding the meaning of my question.

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