Chapter 41: Locked.

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"Nick! Nick!" She screamed. She didn't know that slimy thing was. Whatever it was, she wanted to get out of there. She banged the door hardly. She was cursing herself as to why she gave her phone to Nick.

Then she stopped calling his name. "Somebody help!! Help!" She looked around for some clue or some lose end but the room was eerily dark.

During this broad day light, there wasn't a single ray entering the room. 'There had to be a window or something.' She thought but didn't really have the guts to move around in a room where she had insects moving all over her body.

When something passed over her feet she screamed again.

Here on the other hand, each time Nick heard her scream, he followed her voice and got closer to her room. The mansion where he grew up in suddenly looked like a maze to him. Her voice echoed from everywhere. "Evelyn? Evelyn, is that you?" He was dreading the answer.

She who stepped forward to find a window or some light source stopped in her tracks.
"Nick? Nick!"

"Eve.... where...-"

She didn't even let him complete. "NICK! Oh, thank god. Open this door..."

"Door? Evelyn dear... where are you?" It was Nick's father.

"I don't know... I'm in this dark room. There's no light and I can't find a switch or even a window."

"Wait...." she heard his footsteps getting louder and louder, closer and closer. And then there was a knock. "Eve?"

"Nick...." she breathed out a sigh of relief. But immediately screamed when something moved on her feet again. Nick almost broke the latch and threw open the door.

Evelyn's POV

The door suddenly opened as light burst into the room. Once my eyes got adjusted to the light and I saw him, I threw myself at him. "Oh thank god, you came! When I came in here, I didn't think that the room was this dark! And that thing-!" I stopped once I felt it near my leg again. And with light I was clearly able to see what that was.

"Aaaaargh.... Rat! It's a fvcking rat! Move move.... eeee-!" I ran out of the room pushing Nick from my way as he came out chucking at me. I quickly pulled the door behind me hoping the rats won't come out.

"What were you doing in there?" He asked and my face contorted as I rethought what had happened.

"Your mom!" I exclaimed. Just thinking of her gives me a headache. "She locked me in... I thought she wanted to talk to me, so I went along with her. Once I entered this room, she locked it!" His hands folded into fists as he controlled his breathing.

His dad put a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down, "I'll talk to her." He said.

"Why would she lock her in this room?" He asked his dad.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked from behind him.

"Nothing..." He said pulling me along with him as he led me to a hall and made me sit on a chair while I enjoyed watching him walk in circles with his hands on his hip with his suit pushed back. The first three buttons of his shirt... unbuttoned, and his tie... gone. I felt really lucky at the moment for having such a hot husband.

The familiar sound of heels clicking on the floor brought me back from my thoughts, my back straightened. "Why would you lock my wife in that room?" Nick charged at her even before she entered the hall.

"Why else do you think?" Looking at her now, I felt a serious urge to slap her. And I understand why people once called mother-laws as monster-in law.

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