Chapter 28: Loud & Clear!

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Evelyn's POV

"Chrissy! I'm not doing this. If I had my doubts, then I'd first tell Nick and we'd do this together!" I hissed at her, but she still looked quite calm.

"Together?" She innocently asked while I stood glaring at her.
"See... you'd tell Nick if you had your doubts... and now you don't have any. You're sure that you're not with a baby then try it. What's there in trying?" She asked. 'What's there in trying?!' Well there's the entire problem. I do actually have my newfound doubts!

"Fine!" Let's get this over and done with.

Nicholas's POV

"Mark?" I said as I took the file.

"Yes Sir"

"Yes Sir"

I heard both of them say at the same time.
"Why don't you both change your names?!" I already had enough problems on my platter. I shook my head and got back to the problem at hand. "So, what does it say?" I asked opening the file.

"You were right sir.. if you could smell kerosene then it couldn't be wrong..." he trailed off leaving me to think who it could be.
The first time I heard Eve's restaurant was on fire, I rushed to that place, but I didn't find anything odd. I just did a quick look and came back home to pick Eve but when I went back there with Eve.... something wasn't in place. The kerosene smell didn't go unnoticed by me. I sent a sample for test and looks like I'm right.

"Have you sent men to guard?" I asked Mark regarding the security around Kate's house.

"Yes Sir. And separate men to watch and inform."

"Hmm... that will be suffice for now." I sighed as I felt some relief fill me.

"To my parent's house-"

"Yes Sir. And another group for your sister." He replied even before I could complete my sentence. I nodded and signaled at them to leave.

I called Eve again. This time I'm going to convince her. It's just not safe for her to stay there. I know I've sent men there. But why take risk?

Evelyn's POV

I finished my business and washed my hand as I waited. I went downstairs to check on Chrissy who stood outside the bathroom.

"Go bring your stick" she said pointing upstairs. 'Oh god... this girl!'

I went up and brought the four sticks along with me. I was sitting quietly. My heart was literally in my mouth. I didn't know if I wanted to sleep it off, puke or faint. But I just knew my heart was beating faster than normal.

We decided we'll wait for another five minutes just to be sure, for total of ten minutes. Just to be sure my ass! We didn't have the guts to go see. I pushed Chrissy into the bathroom since she was the one who forced me to do this. But she didn't reply.
"See yours... I've seen mine. I'll tell you after you see yours" she said in a grim voice.
I went up to the table where I'd placed those pregnancy sticks, but I never looked at them.
"Come on Evelyn...." she said.

When I looked down wringing my hand... at first, I was confused. Because wasn't it all supposed to show the same signs. There were two of them with blue plus sings and the other two showed a minus sign. I didn't know should I be happy I'm not pregnant. Or happy that I am pregnant.
"There are two signs Chrissy. Which one is it?" I looked at her face confused.

She scrunched her nose and came closer to take a look at it. I heard a series of fvck coming out of her mouth in different forms when each pair of my test showed different signs. I pulled out a stick from her hand and almost laughed when I saw a 'plus' sign in pale blue colour.

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