Chapter 19: Harsh Slap

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Evelyn's POV

"This!" Nick interrupted before I say anything wrong. "This is my wife." He said. 'This?' I mouthed at him. "I mean she's my wife Evelyn" He introduced properly correcting his personality which had slumped with her presence.

"Wife?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"Yes, we just got married few months back." It's been more than a month, 'few months' is fine. I gave my hand to shake, and she narrowed her eyes at me, but quickly covered it with a smile and held my hand but just too tightly, that her ring pressed into my hand. "Ah!" I pulled back my hand with a cry. It wasn't painful, it would've been if I'd let her continue. But puh-lease, do you even have to teach me drama?

Oh, and I had to create a scene in front of Nick, right?

"You alright bae?" Nick pulled my hand up to his face seriously and glared back at her.

"Katherine?!" I heard a scream tear my ear. Haven't heard the name since long.

"Matthew?" I called confused.

"Now who is he?!" Nick seemed frustrated. Riiiight... Now I'm enjoying this.

"You know him" 'Melanie' questioned me.

"Of course, yes. He used to be my school friend. We just lost touch." I said and hugged him just to trigger Nick much more.

Actually, he used to be my high school crush, who I later got to know is gay! Why does every hot guy turn out to be gay?! Like seriously!

"Woah! You've changed Katie!" He said kissing my cheek. Kiss is fine but that was a bit more intimate, now that's what you call awkward.

"Who might this be?" Nick growled pulling me back to his chest.

Matthew held up both his hands in surrender and replied, "Just her high school crush" Ugh! Did he really have to say that?! Nick was also my crush, but I never gave that much thought because Rosie was always next to him, stuck like a leech.

"Crush?" He looked at me hugging me to his chest as he questioned me with his eyes. I looked away as though I don't know what's happening but quite enjoying it.

"He's the one sponsoring-" She trailed off as Nick glared her to be quiet.

"Well meet the husband!" Nick extended his hand for a shake. Matthew's mouth went to form an 'oh'.

"So why don't we have dinner together?" Her voice cut through the thick tension around us. "Tonight?" That Melanie bitch whispered seductively with her hand on my husband's chest. I looked at him daring him to say anything to her. But he stayed numb and raised his eyebrow like 'what?'

'What?' You'll get it now mister.

"Oh yeah. Why not?" I removed my hand from his hold and moved to Matthew hugging his arm tightly to myself. "We could catch up. Don't you think?" I asked rubbing his cheek with my hand. Now that was too much but needed.

"So, decided! Dinner today, at sharp 7 pm!" She said jumping on him with her hand now reaching his neck.

"Ye-ah... and we have somewhere to be now, so we're in a rush" Nick said removing her hands from his neck and pulled me along with him not even letting me say bye to Matt.

He quickly sat me in the car, even fixed my seat belt himself. Uh-huh... Now I'm having fun.

"Why didn't you let me say bye to Matt?" I exaggerated with my overly sad voice.

"So now he's Matt?" He asked gritting his teeth.

"He has always been" I folded my hands with a fake dreamy look just to annoy him.

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