Chapter 3 -

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As the moon rises into the night sky, the woods are immersed in silence. He made sure to take human form so he would not risk drawing any unnecessary attention to himself. As he nears the entrance to the underworld, he looks around; being extra careful, that no one is following him. It would be just like Hermes to spy on him, he was always rather soft on Demeter. The last thing he could afford right now was Demeter finding out what he had planned, let alone the open war it could cause. If he played his cards right, he could have this all tied up in a neat bow, and by the time anyone found out, maybe Persephone would be in love with Hades. Sure, he is rather cranky all the time, but he was sure Persephone would be obedient if it meant staving off war on Olympus.

He quietly slips into the entrance of the underworld, and paces by the River Styx, waiting for him to appear. After what felt like forever, he emerges from the shadows behind Zeus. “Brother, so nice to have you visit me here, your visits are so rare”, he says with a snide tone to his voice.

Zeus’ eyes flash with anger, “Let’s just get to business, shall we?”

“Of course, I wouldn’t expect you want to be away from your beautiful palace for longer than necessary.” Hades’ voice is steeped in sarcasm. “So I take it Demeter did not like the idea of her daughter becoming my queen?” He asks the question, but it is clear he already knows the answer.

“No, she is not the least bit thrilled. I would have forced the issue, but it was clear some of the others were keen to take sides on the matter, and I feel we can get what we desire with a less volatile way.” Zeus starts to pace back and forth as he talks.

“Why noble brother, are you suggesting what I think you are?” Hades asks; using every opportunity, he can to mock his brother.

Zeus glares at Hades, “It is for the best, the match is suitable, you need a queen you have been too long without one. We will need this to look like we had no part in it, find some way to throw blame on someone else long enough for you to consummate.” Zeus smirks. “Though Persephone may not be overly willing at first, I trust you will have no problems doing what is necessary to make this match happen?”

Hades grins, “Oh, I will do what is necessary. I am sure with time I can get her to love me. I would see if I could get a little assistance from Aphrodite, make a little trade to get her some alone time with that bastard she insists on seeing behind Hephaestus’ back, but I assume bringing too many in on this would be risky.” He half asks, but already knows the answer so does not push it.

“It is most important Demeter suspects that we have no hand in her disappearance, I cannot ex……” Hades interrupts Zeus.

“I know, I know.” Hades pauses to think. “Call a meeting on Olympus, one only the Olympians need attend, we both know that will leave Persephone unattended, and us blame free. I will send a duplicate of myself in my place, made of shadows. It will not last forever, but long enough for the meeting and should convince Demeter we were both there, and no where’s near where Persephone will be taken.”

“Fine, but screw this up and I swear on….” Hades interrupts Zeus again.

“No need to be so melodramatic brother, I know what is at stake just as much as you.” Hades responds, almost spitting the words at Zeus.

“Fine.” Zeus growls. “Two nights from now, I want this over with as soon as possible.” He turns and leaves without waiting for an answer. As he walks back through the forests, the fresh air feeling good against his skin, he smiles, oh he will get his way. Persephone will be Hades’ new queen, and Demeter will not stop him.

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