
157 14 2

2013, August

The sound of footsteps echoed along the

empty hallway, and I looked around for my friend.

We were in our old school building, and I was

in the fucking empty hallway looking for my friend,

afraid if she had gotten lost, or had encountered

with some teasing bullies.

I knew she wasn't in any big danger

[ 'cos that girl can karate chop your ass before 

  you could even blink twice ]

and I am guilty to admit that I was wandering around

in hopes of getting a glimpse of my crush, who had

 d i s a p p e a r e d from the main hall.

Taking another gander, I exhaled in dismay, unable

to find neither my friend or crush, and climb the stairs.

And then I saw him-

                                               -with his girlfriend.

I knew they were a thing. Strangely, he had come to me first

in confession that he had dated the girl. It was strange, because

we were not close, and barely even friends.

Anyways, he was on the third step, sitting close close close to her,

sharing earphones.

He noticed me in confusion and shock, a faint trace of pink as if

I had caught them doing something rather scandalous.

I pulled on a fake smirk onto my lips, pushing out a hip and staring

at them teasingly, even though





"What are you doing here?" He stuttered, and I rolled my eyes.

"Looking for my friend with wavy hair. She had disappeared."

Just like you, I thought silently.

"Oh, that girl? She already went back to the hall."

And I blinked once, twice, and felt rather foolish. Nevertheless, I

barked out a laugh, and proclaimed that I had just wasted my time.

The couple bade me adieu and I turned, walking down

the empty hallway,

and I realized it reflected my heart pretty well.

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