Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

“Pathetic,” Lord Inquisitor Jore muttered as he released two scouts from his shadow-grip. Shadow-grip was a shadowfeed ability which allowed the user to take hold onto physical objects; it allowed him to choke people and stretch their limbs far enough so that they would dislocate.

The two scouts hit the ground with a thud, both of them grabbing their throats as they gasped for air. Their faces had turned purple and both had almost blacked out.

Jore turned to the second, two man, scout team “I hope you two have had more luck finding those damned rebel rats.” As much as he wanted to find the rebels, he found himself a little disappointed when he found out that they did know where the rebels were. He didn’t get many excuses to harm one of his lackeys.

One of the two men was shaking as he stepped forward to speak, “S-s-sir, we f-found the rebels. We have an ex-exact location on their b-base,” he stuttered with a very shaky voice. Jore sighed behind his mask.

“Well, come on then, where is it located. Spit it out,” the Lord Inquisitor said dully.

“Region 11, area BN9, in the mountain valley,” the scout reported, he had stopped his voice from shaking, but the hand he was using to point to the location on the battle map started to tremble instead.

“Well, Commander, what are you waiting for?” Jore hissed as the commanding officer snapped to attention in the corner of the room. Sweat beaded down the soldier’s face, while a look of relief fell over the scout’s now that Jore’s interest was on someone else. “Assemble the men. Get on with it!”

“Y-yes, s-sir!” the Commander saluted, and quickly left the Hadi Lord’s presence. The four scouts rapidly followed as well. Jore couldn’t help but smirk under his mask.

Jore’s mask was almost the same as any other hadi sorcerers’, except that it had white lines down the eyes instead of red. His armour was somewhat different too. Unlike most sorcerers, Inquisitor Lords wore marauder armour as well as inquisitor robes, and the armour had different markings for each lord. The back of his robe was also covered in a white symbol that marked him as Lord Jore. Lords who were familiar with one another could tell who each other were instantly, by picking up the different body sizes and different markings and variations in their armours. Although, that wouldn’t really be necessary as they could each tell who the others are just by sensing the other’s unique kind of shadowfeed.

"Leave us!" Jore hissed at everyone in the room. All the personnel were all too glad to have a chance to get out of the Inquisitor's shadow. There was only one person left in the room with the Lord.

“Now that you know where they are I need you to infiltrate their ranks. I can’t rely on these idiots to wipe them out in our next raid so I need you to feed me information to destroy them at a later time,” the Lord Inquisitor ordered. “Don’t come back if you fail, Keimi, and if you do you know what will happen to your poor excuse of a brother,” he added a second later.

The assassin that had been hiding in the most shadowy corner of the room stood up and jumped out the window. “You had better not hurt him,” was the only thing she said before disappearing from sight and heading into the forest, towards the rebel base. She would have to set up her trap perfectly to get into the rebel forces.

Why did Taus have to get himself captured for? No, he probably had no hand in the matter. These damned Hadi know how to keep someone on their chain, and how to hold them by the balls. Well if bringing down these rebels will get him freed then that’s what I need to do then, no matter what. This is the reward I get for being a bounty hunter, I suppose, and living in the Lalande system, on Ceaser, under Hadi control. Keimi told herself as she moved deeper and deeper into the forest on her hover bike.

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