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Music: Praying by Kesha

Brian remained completely still as Sky quietly described the relationship that had existed between her and Tigo for several years now.

She cautiously glossed over the sexual dynamic between the both of them without going into detail, and marvelled at the lack of expression on his face.

He showed none of the signs of the Brian she'd witnessed in her dressing room earlier that evening, and if his eyes hadn't remained fixed on her throughout her explanation, she would've concluded that he wasn't listening.

But he was, as evidenced from the occasional clench of his fists or the tenseness she saw in his shoulders, otherwise his face was as relaxed as always and anyone who didn't know him well or who wasn't looking closely would have wrongly assumed that he was calm.

He remained quiet for a couple minutes after she was through talking and she shifted uncomfortably where she sat opposite him with her legs folded beside her on the comfortable leather couch.

He would absolutely be right to criticize her, especially after hearing herself describe her situation out loud.

She now felt as though she'd done something wrong by continuing to subject herself to Tigo's unwanted sexual advances, she also felt as though she'd somehow stepped out on Brian, even though they hadn't particularly been exclusive,until now.

He was aware of her work obligations at Donna and what that entailed, but he hadn't been aware that she'd been carrying on with anyone outside Donna, besides him.

'Brian?' she softly called out when several minutes had passed and he still hasn't said a word, 'say something.'

He shook his head, and she cringed at his next words.

'I don't know what to say,' he said in a hoarse, strained voice. 'I mean I can't help but wonder how many other men are out there that feel they should have unfettered sexual access to you.'

He let out a sigh and scrubbed his hands tiredly down his face, 'I know I agreed to a no strings attached relationship with you, and I did that because I want you kitten, even if that meant putting up with your work at Donna...but...' he paused and looked away and her heartbeat faltered as she saw the turmoil in his eyes when he turned back to her, 'I'm in love with you Skylar, and I just can't...share you with other men anymore, for whatever reason, be it at Donna or anywhere else, especially now that you're carrying our child.'

It was her turn to be silent as he looked to her for a response.

She'd held so much inside, and now all she wanted to do was talk and be done with the burden of bottling up everything.

He loved her?

She hadn't even allowed herself to think of the possibility of that happening and now here she was, pregnant for a man who loved her and would do almost anything to be with her.

'I don't think there are any other men out there you should be worried about,' she said, raising her eyes to meet his, 'Tigo...was a mistake, but he was the only one I had been with...before Donna...and you.

But that's over now...I've also decided to stop the performing,' she shrugged, 'at least until the baby is born, 'I was going to tell Tigo about my decision, but...after tonight, I don't have to,' she shrugged, 'I don't have any contractual obligations with him.

And, as far as Donna is concerned, I informed them days ago about my decision to stop working there.

Looking down at her hands, she sighed, and then raised her gaze up to his again, 'I guess what I'm saying is, I don't wanna do it anymore, I have this baby to consider now...I have you to consider now.'

Breaking into Sky | Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now