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Photo of Brian and Sky

Runnin' (Lose it all) by Naughty Boy ft Beyoncé, Arrow Benjamin.

Skylar typed swiftly on the keyboard of her laptop as she filled out an online course registration form for a new session at the New York school of interior design where she was to resume the following Monday.

After checking the time on the screen, she clicked the submit button, logged out of her student page and powered down the computer, before quickly donning a simple sheath dress and brushing out her hair.

She was running late for a meeting with Tigo, a meeting which she ordinarily would have preferred to avoid if only he'd provided her with the specifics of the performance she was to undertake the following month. Specifics such as the venue, the type of event, the genre of dance, whether she was to perform alone or with other artists, the practice times and venues and such like.

But he hadn't, he'd only mentioned how much she would be paid, and it was a lot, it was over three times the size of her usual fee and she couldn't help thinking that it seemed the longer she remained under his supposed management and the more he got to fuck her, the better and more attractive her bookings got.

That was not to say that she now looked forward to their dalliances, on the contrary, for her, it still remained the only downside to their arrangement and something she put up with for the sake of her budding career.

That afternoon proved to be no different from all the previous meetings as he buzzed her up to his office/apartment and greeted her at the door with only a towel loosely tied around his hip.

She walked in and dropped her bag on a nearby couch. 'You know you're not fooling anyone with these little meetings you call, every chance you get.' She said.

To his credit he didn't bother to deny her veiled accusation. 'Well, if you would come and see me voluntarily from time to time, I would have no reason to lure you here.'
He snaked an arm around her waist and jerked her body forwards so that she stumbled into his burly frame and held onto his shoulders for balance.

'Hey!' she exclaimed angrily.

He ignored her and instead bunched the material of her dress in both hands and began to lift it up her body.

'Let's get this off.' he said.

She sighed and placed her hands over his chest in a bid to stall him. 'Maybe we should talk first Tigo,' she suggested.

He shook his head and left the dress bunched around her waist to slip his hand into her panties, his other arm still wrapped around her, 'we'll do that another time, right now, I insist on having you first sweetheart.'

'Don't call me that,' she gasped as he rubbed against her clit before roughly slipping a digit inside her.

'What, I can't use a term of endearment on my girl?' he questioned, pushing another finger into her.

She gave a low stifled moan as his fingers began to pump steadily into her, and whispered out between clenched teeth, ' I am not your girl.'

'We'll see about that,' he said as he lifted the dress all the way over her head.

Picking her up, he carried her across the room and over to a dining table in the corner, setting her back on her feet and nudging her body around until she faced the table squarely.

'Bend over.' He said, his breathing coming out in rapid pants as his hands cupped the crack of her ass, reaching further below to drag his fingers over her pussylips.

Breaking into Sky | Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now