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Photo of Brian aka Casper
Song: Choices by e-40

'You mean like a call girl?' Skylar leaned forward, resting one elbow on her knee.

Denise shook her head. 'Not at all Skyl...'

'Whatever it is you think I do with Tigo, is a world away from me entertaining various men with my body.' She cut in.

'Is that the way you choose to see it?'

Skylar narrowed her eyes, 'What? What other way is there to see it?'

Denise shrugged one shoulder, 'It's the way of the world isn't it? You have sexual relations with more than one man and you're a call girl. A degrading label. The men do the same, and they're 'playboys,'' she said putting up air quotes with her fingers, 'a rather appreciative way of calling them whores.'

Skylar frowned as the lady continued.

'We do not have in our employ, girls who like to play fast and loose. We recruit liberal minded independent ladies, some of them models, others professionals, dancers...we also have female clients of the same calibre, the only divide between the two being of a financial nature.

It's not just you entertaining them, it works both ways. It's two adults giving and receiving, nothing more.'

Skylar stood. 'Except, one is paying and can make demands which inevitably come with such payments, and the other...cannot do the same.'

Denise smiled, 'Yes you can, if you play your cards right.' She hesitated and then stood as well, 'I could be wrong, but you do not strike me as the kind of woman who cares about what other people think of her, or about men and relationships. Which means your hesitation is based on personal principle, which, I must say is admirable in the world we live in today...but you must be getting sexual satisfaction somewhere,' she shrugged again, 'why not get compensated as well?'

Skylar stared at her, speechless. Then, turning around, walked away.


Brian tapped lightly on his ipad, scrolling through emails and sending out a series of short responses to the seemingly urgent ones.

He glanced around the crowded boardroom briefly before bringing his attention back to the task at hand.

Sierra monet, the beautiful redhead and Chief Operating Officer of the energy company whose conference room he was currently sitting in, was giving a presentation on the company's strategy for securing a greater market share in the coming year.

He usually found these meetings boring and had contemplated sitting out this years annual board meeting, but had eventually decided to come, as a courtesy to her.

They'd had a thing going for a few years now, and he'd invested in the company, in part, at her insistence but also because of it's profitability, however, she was under no illusions that their dalliance was anything but casual between them.

At least he hoped she was, he'd definitely reiterated that point over the years by the hoardes of women he'd dated, also casually, alongside her.

His attention returned to the meeting as the room erupted in scattered applause while she made her way back to her seat, her presentation, now over.

The meeting broke up for lunch and he used the opportunity to excuse himself.

Hurrying to the elevator, he paused just before he stepped through it's doors to turn as he heard his name being called.

It was Sierra.

She frowned as she reached him, 'leaving so soon Cas?' she asked, calling him by his street name, which was what most people who'd known him growing up, called him. She'd picked it up, over the years, from his friends and old acquaintances.

Breaking into Sky | Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now