Dumb Jealousy Part 3

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Winds began to press against her on all sides. She could barely see, for everything in her line of vision was pure black. Black as the night sky without the stars there to comfort her. Black as her partner's favorite cappuccino, and it frightened her. The whispering of the wind also scared her, for she couldn't tell exactly where it was coming from. 

"Hello!" she called out. Her voice carried into the pitch darkness, but answer never came. Her breathing became ragged and rapid. She felt her own face, just to make sure that it was still there. She couldn't see her own hands in front of her. For a moment, she wasn't sure that she existed anymore. She knew that she had been knocked out by Ronald, but had he killed her? She thought not. Judy felt extremely vulnerable. 

She regained her balance and called out once again. This time, a voice replied, and it wasn't Ronald's as she expected it would be. It was Nick's! He stood there with his bright green hawaiian shirt and black tie, and she couldn't have been happier to see him. 

She ran towards him with all her might, but it was though she were walking on a reverse treadmill. The faster she ran, the farther away Nick seemed to go. He didn't seem fazed by this. He merely waved at her and gave her his usual sly grin that she hated. Judy frantically attempted to reach out for him as he became a speck in a faraway land. Her heart felt as though it had been stabbed. She sank to her knees and bawled into her soft gray fur. The vast emptiness made her sobs echo off of the nonexistent walls that supposedly surrounded her. 

"Judy?" a voice asked her calmly. She rose quickly wiping her tears as she looked for the voice's source. But the voice had no apparent source.

"Judy?" the voice repeated. She peered around on all sides but could see nothing but darkness. 

"JUDY!" the voice screamed at her now. It seemed so close to her, but no one was found. Then she looked up, and she saw it. She looked into the empty black abyss, and cried out in fright. She saw two gigantic red eyes towering above her. She let out a cry of fright and fell down. Her tears soaked her cheeks, and then she cried some more as the shouting continued. She gathered the courage to look up again and she saw another set of eyes. Green this time. They were unmistakably Nick's. Though they seemed angry. Bitter. JEALOUS. She wasn't sure how she knew they were the eyes of a jealous fox, but they were. She could SENSE it in her small bones. Suddenly, the young bunny gained a bit of reprieve as the darkness shifted to bright red as lightning as red as blood cracked around the jealous green eyes of her partner in the sky. The thunder clapped as well, and she could herself drowning in tears that could be mistaken as rain. 

She screamed for the eyes and the lightning to go away, and they did. For when she opened her eyes, she was in a room. A hopefully real room. She couldn't move or speak for her hands were bound behind her and her mouth was gagged shut. She had been stripped down quite significantly. Her legs were also bound to one another. 

She gazed around the room which had cold, hard concrete floors and no windows or doors to be seen. The room was lit by a large red light that she thought at first might've been the lightning of blood come again, but it was simply a light bulb, shaking uneasily on a rusty metal chain. The light hurt her eyes, so she looked around the rest of the room. She could see other animals. All undoubtedly female and prey. They were bound just as she was and their eyes reflected from the red light bulb that swayed above them all. A few of the animals were rabbits like her, but others were small lambs. They were all prisoners. Prisoners like HER. She tried to push the thought behind her, but she couldn't. Ronald's date had been a ruse. A dangerous and manipulative ruse, and she had fallen right into his trap. The others here had also likely fallen for his ploys of love and affection, and had gotten slapped for it. 

All of a sudden, she heard the sound of a door behind her being thrust open. A door that she hadn't seen because of the darkness. She felt her chains begin to jangle as hands of unforgiving force unlocked her from her restraints and gave her a wack on the head for good measure. She felt even more dazed and confused than she had before. She shifted in and out of her pitch prison, and her own handcuffs were one of only two sounds that had become apparent to her, along with the heavyset footsteps of whoever was dragging her along the pavement floors. Then she heard it. The sound of a large crowd. Cheering and whistling. She could also vaguely hear the sound of someone on a microphone. She felt a sack being put over her head, for what reason, she couldn't deduce. Then the dragging continued, and the cheering grew louder. 

"AND NOW MAMMALS AND PREY!!!" a voice boomed through a speaker. "PREPARE YOURSELVES FOR OUR FINAL PURCHASE OF THE EVENING!!!" Judy felt sweat beading down her neck, and her heart begin to pound. She didn't like the sound of this at all.

"SHE IS THE ONE AND ONLY BUNNY COP IN ZOOTOPIA!!! JUDY HOOOOOPPPPPPSSS!!!" the announcer bellowed, which followed with an immense cheer from the crowd that she could now see in front of her. Many animals were there in the stands. Lions, sheep, elephants, zebras, giraffes, tigers, monkeys, turtles, YOU NAME IT and it was there to see! Many of them wore suits. She could now see that the announcer was Ronald. His red eyes gleamed greedily and Judy felt several other sets of eyes upon her. Then the bids began. The numbers increased and increased and INCREASED. These animals had worked up a sexual appetite, and Judy was the apparent main course. She could feel what they must be thinking her at this very moment. Eventually the bidding stopped, and large brown stallion, gained his footing and adjusted his suit. He shook some hands and made his way toward the stage where Judy lay sobbing. He trotted down the red wool carpets, and just like that, Judy was no longer a respectable police officer. No longer an employee of Zootopia. No longer a young woman from Bunnyburrow with a bright future ahead of her. No. She was now an item, and Ronald had given her a price tag. 

Dumb Jealousy (Zootopia Fan Fiction Judy Hopps x Nick Wilde) by Maximus AnthonyWhere stories live. Discover now