33: Rosalie

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"I'll see you in a bit, I have to go back to Sam's." Leah announced when the Cullen's house was in view.

"But I just got back," Pandora frowned. "You're not going to stay for a bit?"

"We need to get back before Sam notices how long we've been gone," Leah shook her head as she glanced at Jacob. Pandora felt her mood drop when she noticed the look that was shared between the two.

"Sam doesn't know about me, does he?"

"I don't know how he'd react to you," Leah defended, a hard look on her face. Pandora felt anger burn in the pit of her stomach. That look was reserved for the world, for the pack when they were getting on Leah's nerves. But never for Pandora.

"Right, well you should run back to Sam then." Pandora crossed her arms, as she shifted her weight. She could hear the grass crunch under her weight, but ignored it. "Who knows what he might think if you're not there at his beck and call."

"Dora, you know it's not like that." Jacob defended, only making Pandora more angry.

"Just go," Pandora shook her head. "You know where to find me."

Leah looked like she was going to say something, but was cut off when another person stole Pandora's attention away.

"Pandora!" Pandora laughed when Alice launched herself into Pandora's arms. "I knew you'd come back."

Pandora rolled her eyes at the smug look on Alice's face. "Is that why you sent out a search party after me?"

Alice shook her head, "of course not. I just couldn't wait for you to come back on your own. You know how impatient I am." Pandora shook her head fondly at Alice, walking into the house with their arms looped. She glanced back to where Leah and Jacob were, only to frown when she saw that they were already gone. "I cleared the guest room. After planning Bella's wedding with you, I trust your judgement enough to let you design your own room."

"Please understand the amount of trust Alice is putting with you," Jasper said as they walked through the door. "It's taken her years to let me pick my own clothes. She thinks no one is capable of matching."

"Well if it were up to you, you'd wear plaid everyday." Alice stuck her nose into the air, a playful smile on her face.

"I don't see the problem with that," Jasper chuckled, rolling his eyes fondly at Alice. Pandora watched the couple with a ghost of a smile on her face, thinking back to when Leah pulled away from her.

The trio was pulled away by the sound of someone clearing their throat. Pandora looked over at the staircase, surprised that Rosalie was making her way towards them. Pandora glanced at Alice, confused. While Rosalie had never been directly mean to Pandora, she had heard plenty from Bella about the blonde's distaste towards humans, especially towards Bella.

Alice let go of Pandora, leaving the room with Jasper.

"I know I haven't always been the most welcoming to you," Rosalie started, clasping her hands together. "I just want you to know that I understand what you're going through. You and I were changed in a very similar way, and I couldn't help myself but take care of the piece of shit that attacked you. I never wanted to become this, and I know you didn't either. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here."

Pandora was shocked at Rosalie's little speech. She was also incredible touched that Rosalie was looking out for her, especially after barely knowing each other to begin with.

"Rosalie, I have no words to express how much that means to me. I..." Pandora felt the words get caught in her throat, left with a sense of speechlessness she had never experienced before.

Rosalie, however, seemed to know exactly what Pandora was trying to convey. Rosalie put a gentle hand on Pandora's shoulder, smiling softly.

"I get it," Rosalie nodded her head in understanding. "You don't have to face this alone, Pandora. I know I speak for the rest of the family when I say this; you can come to any of us if you need anything, we're your family now. If you'll have us that is, no one is forcing you into anything."

Pandora felt her eyes sting, allowing a soft smile to grace her lips. "Thank you, Rosalie."

Rosalie smiled before gesturing up the stairs with a wave of her hand, "your room is the third door on the right. Alice left some magazines in there for you."

Pandora nodded, leaving Rosalie in the living room as she climbed the stairs. She took her time, taking in the house as she made her way. She grimaced when she saw the collection of graduation caps displayed on the wall leading up the stairs, dreading the idea of having to repeat high school over and over again. Once was more than enough for Pandora.

She could hear the Cullens whispering downstairs as she made her way down the hallway, counting the doors until she reached the third one on the right. Taking a breath, Pandora carefully opened the door stepping onto the hardwood floor, closing the door behind her and thus shutting the noise out as well. Pandora sighed, realizing that the room must have been soundproofed so that no noise came in and no noise came out.

It was refreshing really, being left alone in silence. With her enhanced hearing, Pandora found herself in a state of constant noise, whether it was hearing other people in the house or the constant rustle of the woods.

Silence was a breathe of fresh air for Pandora.

Taking a look around the room, Pandora noticed the neutral tones, the wall length windows, and the lack of bed. Sighing, Pandora grabbed the stack of magazines from an end table and plopped herself onto the small couch that was in the room.

No matter how hard she tried, Pandora could not focus on the magazines in her hands. She was grateful that no one came into the room that night, she was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to close her eyes and turn off her mind for several hours.

Oh how she missed being human.

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