18: The Black's Residence

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Pandora was upstairs in the guest bedroom when she heard Emily let out a cry. Jumping up, Pandora ran as fast as she could downstairs as she called for Emily. She didn't know what she could do if Emily was in danger, but Pandora was not going to let Emily face whatever was down there alone.

Her heart was pounding when she got downstairs, only for her to let out a breath of relief when she saw Emily holding on to Sam as if her life depended on it. Pandora swallowed, looking around for Leah.

"She's at Jacob's," Sam answered the unasked question.

"Why?" Pandora asked, her heart dropping when she saw Sam's expression. "Is she okay? What happened?"

"She's fine. But Jacob isn't." Sam sighed, keeping his arm wrapped around Emily. "Leah went after one of the vampires alone, but he got the upper hand. Jacob saved her, but the vampire crushed the left side of his body. Dr. Cullen is coming to reset his bones."

Pandora felt her stomach clench. She guessed that Leah went after the vampire that attacked her, and because of that she almost died and now Jacob was hurt.

"Is he going to be okay?" She asked quietly, afraid that if she spoke any louder her voice would crack. 

Sam nodded, "of course. We're going to Billy's now to see him."

Pandora followed silently to Emily's car, Sam getting in the driver's seat and Emily in the passenger seat. The couple held hands the whole drive to Jacob's, as if they couldn't bare to not be near each other. But Pandora couldn't complain; she was feeling the same way towards Leah. Especially after hearing that Leah almost got hurt trying to avenge Pandora and her mother.

Everyone was at Jacob's; the pack and the elders all stood outside. Sue, Leah's mom, stood behind Billy, holding onto his hand. Pandora frowned as she climbed out, flinching when a piercing scream echoed through the air. Pandora's heart broke for Jacob, and for Billy, as she took note of the shiny silver car parked in the driveway. She figured it was Dr. Cullen's, since no one around La Push or Forks had a car like that unless it was a Cullen.

"Pandora!" Pandora tore her gaze away from the car, her heart skipping when she saw Leah. The two ran for each other, Pandora practically jumping into Leah's arms, making the girl grunt at the impact. Pandora held onto Leah tightly, her breath shaky.

"I'm okay," Leah said quietly. Pandora pulled away, examining Leah's face for any trace of a lie.

"What happened?"

"It was the leech." Leah shook her head, her jaw clenching. "We all thought the fight was over when he came out of nowhere. I went after him, and I could have taken care of it if Jake hadn't-"

"Jake saved your ass, Leah." Paul interrupted, making the couple look over at him. "That leech was going to kill you if he didn't step in."

Leah clenched her jaw as she glared at him before shaking her head, dropping the matter.

"Leah," Pandora said softly, making Leah look back at her. Leah's expression softened considerably, making Pandora's heart flutter. "I'm glad you're okay."

"I told you I would come back." Leah's lips lifted in a ghost of a smile, only to drop quickly when Jacob screamed again.

The group grew silent. Leah took to pacing, leaving Pandora to stand near Billy. She wasn't sure how to console the man; how can you comfort a man who was hearing his son get his bones broken and not be able to do anything?

Everyone's attention was diverted when the sound of a truck littered the air, Bella's orange truck coming into view awhile after they heard the sound.

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