28: The Reception

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Pandora hated public speaking. She hated the way everyone watched her every move. She hated the way her heartbeat echoed in her ears. She hated stumbling over her words with all eyes on her. In her mind, public speaking was the worst.

So, she let Emmett go first so that he could break the ice with the guests. Seeing as he was the best man, it wasn't strange for him to go before the maid of honor. Of course, Emmett made everyone laugh with sexual innuendos about Bella and Edward, which is what Pandora planned on.

Gripping her half-empty glass of champagne, Pandora made her way up the stage. She could feel everyone watching, the feeling alone made Pandora want to run away.

Taking a deep breath, Pandora approached the microphone. She looked at the guests for a moment, recognizing a few faces before her eyes landed on Bella. A small smile graced her lips as she turned her focus on her cousin, trying her hardest to ignore the stares of the other guests.

"Bella and I were never really close as children. It wasn't that we were opposites, we just didn't see each other very often growing up. It wasn't until almost a year and a half ago that Bella and I became close. I had just moved to Forks with my mother. I was mourning the loss of my father and Bella was dealing with her own heartbreak. Of course, two broken people clung together; finding comfort in being with someone who knew what you felt. Bella quickly became my rock; we did everything together, we told each other everything. She's always been there for me, in ways that I cannot even begin to describe. Bella and I helped each other heal, and that's something I'm going to forever owe to Bella. Bella suddenly wasn't just my cousin; she became my best friend...she became my sister.

"So, you can imagine my distaste for Edward when he came into the picture and suddenly I had to share Bella with someone else." Pandora smiled when a few laughs broke out from the crowd. "I didn't like Edward when I first met him, but once I saw how much he loved Bella, I started to warm up to him. He ended up proving himself to me, and I couldn't deny that the love he and Bella have is true. It's something to be admired; their devotion to each other defies whatever is thrown at them.

"I like to pride myself in knowing Bella very well, and knowing what she needs when she's distraught. But I know I'm not always going to be there for her, life has a funny way of never making things that easy. But if I had to pick someone to be there for Bella when she needs someone, it would be Edward.

"I know you two are going to keep each other happy for a long time. You two deserve all the happiness; and being together brings the both of you closer to that." Pandora took a shaky breath as her eyes began to tear up, feeling satisfied when she saw Bella quickly wipe away a tear. "So here's to the bride and groom and their lasting love and happiness." Pandora lifted her glass before making her way off the stage as everyone clapped.

When she passed her uncle as he made his way to the stage, she let him pull her into a tight hug, returning the hug before returning to the head table. Pulling Bella into a quick, tight hug, Pandora sighed in content as she settled down in her chair and listened to everyone else give toasts. She was glad that she got her over with, and she was by far one of the better ones that was given. She was surprised that Jessica gave a speech, considering the amount of jealousy and resentment the girl held towards Bella; but it was amusing to watch Jessica make a fool out of herself on stage.

Pandora was content with standing on the sidelines as everyone danced, watching in amusement as the champagne quickly disappeared as everyone had a good time. Jessica and Angela tried to get her to dance with them, but Pandora managed to weasel out of it. Bella had spent the whole night dancing with Edward, and Pandora left the two alone.

"Why aren't you dancing?" Leah asked as she came up to Pandora, handing her a flute of champagne.

"Same reason you aren't, I expect." Pandora rolled her eyes, "I don't dance. Not sober at least."

Leah laughed and shook her head. "Hey," Leah said softly as she took hold of Pandora's hand.

"Hey what?" Pandora bit back a smile.

"Let's get out of here. Just for a moment, I know you want to be here when Bella leaves for the honeymoon." Pandora pursed her lips as she watched Leah.

"What exactly did you have in mind?"

Leah didn't say anything as she took Pandora's free hand, leading her away from the reception. Pandora let Leah lead her into the woods, further from the house. The music was quieter as the sound of crickets blended into the noise. The lights from the reception bled through the trees, illuminating the couple. Pandora watched as Leah finished her champagne in a long sip before doing the same. The bubbly drink left Pandora feeling warm as the two set down the glasses on the ground.

Leah placed her hands on Pandora's waist, pulling her closer as she starts to sway. Pandora laughed lightly before wrapping her arms around Leah's neck.

The two swayed to the distant music, staring into each other's eyes as admiring the other's beauty in silence.

"Guess what," Pandora said softly.

"What?" Leah asked, a small smile on her lips.

"I love you."

Leah grinned, laughing lightly. "No, I love you."

"We love each other," Pandora rested her forehead against Leah's. "You make me happy."

"Not as happy as you make me," Leah retorted. Pandora rolled her eyes playfully before kissing Leah softly.

The two swayed for a moment longer, before a howl ripped through the peace, making Leah tense.

"What's going on?" Pandora asked, frowning when Leah tightened her grip on Pandora.

"I don't know," Leah shook her head. "I have to go. I'll call you tomorrow." With a quick kiss to Pandora's cheek, Leah sprinted off into the woods.

Pandora stood alone, confused as she searched through the woods.

Shaking her head, Pandora picked up the almost forgotten champaign flutes and walked back to the reception.

She didn't know what was going on with the wolves, but it was a wedding and what's a wedding without a little drama? And she had to say goodbye to her best friend, because who knew how long it would be before she saw her again.

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