
369 17 16

SexyMaknae has joined the chat
Eunwoonie has joined the chat
Binnie has joined the chat
StupidRock has joined the chat
LeaderJin has joined the chat
MemeKing has joined the chat

Binnie: what the hell hyung

StupidRock: how the hell do you guys keep changing your names

SexyMaknae: that secret stays with me and Mj hyung

StupidRock: well screw you then

MemeKing: leave the maknae alone

StupidRock: how about no

LeaderJin: no fighting


LeaderJin: I'm the leader

LeaderJin: of source I am

MemeKing: nuh uh

Eunwoonie: ok, no more fighting now

MemeKing: ok :)

LeaderJin: SCREW YOU MJ!!!


Binnie: damn Eunwoo

LeaderJin: screw you too Eunwoo

Eunwoonie: who cares right now to be honest

Eunwoonie: let's just talk about what we want for thanksgiving.

StupidRock: not turkey

StupidRock: turkey is to dry for me

MemeKing: yeah, just like you're singing

StupidRock: just like you're jokes

MemeKing: get out

LeaderJin: can't we just say what we are thankful for or something

StupidRock: getting lines

MemeKing: ^

SexyMaknae: ^

Binnie: ^

Eunwoonie: get out

LeaderJin: we've only just got here. Where is this savageness coming from

SexyMaknae: from somewhere you can't reach

LeaderJin: ...leave

Eunwoonie: when are you gonna grow up Sanha

SexyMaknae: idk when are you going to get more lines

MemeKing: the maknaes being really salty and savage today

SexyMaknae: MoonBin is gonna be eating all the food on thanksgiving

Binnie: at least I have abs to make up for it

SexyMaknae: Stop it!! This is where I cross the line!!

LeaderJin: yet you still can't cross the street without having to holding hands with Eunwoo

Eunwoonie: ...

SexyMaknae: when are you gonna get your growth spurt

LeaderJin: I hate you with every inch of my body

SexyMaknae: well that's not a lot of inches, is it

Binnie: the salt here needs to stop

SexyMaknae: just like how Mj and JinJin's growth spurt stopped

Eunwoonie: it's time to stop Sanha, this is getting worst

SexyMaknae: just like your acting

Eunwoonie: ok you need to stop now

SexyMaknae: I'll stop when you stop dancing to Up and Down

StupidRock: when are you going to start acting your age Sanha

SexyMaknae: shut up because by the time you're as tall as me, I'll be old

MemeKing: and by that time, we won't have to hear your annoying voice crack on the high notes anymore.

Binnie: are you on your period Sanha??

SexyMaknae: no

SexyMaknae: I'm a man

StupidRock: no you're a child in a mans body, that's what you are

LeaderJin: how about we all stop and go get something to drink

LeaderJin: except Sanha, you need a nap

SexyMaknae: you're not the boss of me XP

LeaderJin: I'm the leader

LeaderJin: SO OF COURSE I AM!!!

Eunwoonie: ok, go take a nap Sanha. Me and everyone else will go get food and bring you back a hot chocolate.

SexyMaknae: ok

SexyMaknae has left the chat



MemeKing: haha

Eunwoonie: hopefully by the time we get back he won't be so salty

StupidRock: hopefully, but that hot chocolate isn't gonna help him sleep tonight.

Binnie: whatever, at least he won't be like this anymore once we get back

MemeKing: I want a hot chocolate too

LeaderJin: we're all getting one

Eunwoonie: let's just go now

Binnie has left the chat
Eunwoonie has left the chat
MemeKing has left the chat
StupidRock has left the chat
LeaderJin has left the chat

Really hope you liked this chapter. It was just a little something.

And I'm thinking about making an imagine story, but I just don't know who to start with and what the story is about. So you have any ideas just leave it down In the comments. I plan on making one for all the members but I don't know who to start with so yeah. Help if you want, no need to really. But thanks. Bye!!

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