
470 19 8

Eunwoonie has joined the chat
HappyVirus has joined the chat
DancingRock has joined the chat
LeaderJin has joined the chat
CuteMaknae has joined the chat
Binnie has joined the chat

Eunwoonie: I'm going shopping, decide on what you idiots want for dinner

CuteMaknae: rude

LeaderJin: well you're quite an idiot as well

HappyVirus: ^

Eunwoonie: not as big as all of you


Binnie: food

DancingRock: don't be a smart-ass MoonBin

Binnie: :(

Eunwoonie: NOW PEOPLE!!!

HappyVirus: anything edible

DancingRock: stop being a smart-ass

HappyVirus: XP

DancingRock: just get us all some McDonald's or something. Doesn't even matter. I think some of us will literally just eat anything.

Eunwoonie: got it

Eunwoonie: now what do you guys want from McDonald's?

CuteMaknae: food :D

DancingRock: STOOOOOOOOOOPPP!!!!!!!!

Eunwoonie: IDIOTS!!!

Eunwoonie: WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!!!???

LeaderJin: just get the two children a happy meal. I'll take a McDouble and a Dr.Pepper.

CuteMaknae: YAY!!! HAPPY MEALS!!!

HappyVirus: YAAAY!!! :D

Binnie: just get me a cheese burger and fries. I'm not that hungry.

DancingRock: get me the garlic fries and a Sprite.

Eunwoonie: thank god this is a group chat because I had to write all this crap down.

HappyVirus: if you come back with the girl toys I'm gonna scream

Binnie: come back with them :D

CuteMaknae: NO!!!

Eunwoonie: I won't

CuteMaknae: :D

Binnie: D:

HappyVirus: good choice.

Eunwoonie: I would've done it but I don't want to listen to your stupidly annoying voice screaming for about 5 minutes.

DancingRock: that' would be hella annoying

LeaderJin: yup

HappyVirus: rude

Eunwoonie: I'll be back in about 40 minutes. JinJin, take care of the rest of these idiots.

LeaderJin: gotcha boss

CuteMaknae: you hyungs are so rude.

DancingRock: agreed.

HappyVirus: XP

Binnie: who needs them anyways

Eunwoonie: so...guess it's just dinner for me and JinJin.

LeaderJin: yup

Binnie: WE SORRY!!!

HappyVirus: please forgive us

CuteMaknae: we want food

DancingRock: :(

Eunwoonie fine.

HappyVirus: YES!!!

DancingRock: :D

LeaderJin: now hurry up. I'm hungry

Binnie: same

Eunwoonie: ok, bye bye

Eunwoonie has left the chat

CuteMaknae: maybe we should leave the chat too and set up a movie before eunwoo comes

LeaderJin: great idea

HappyVirus: bye group chat. See you soon.

DancingRock has left the chat
HappyVirus has left the chat
CuteMaknae has left the chat
LeaderJin has left the chat
Binnie has left the chat


School is almost here for me. Which means I probably won't upload much for like the first two weeks because it's my first year in high school and I'll be lost the whole time looking for my classes and wondering what to do. But probably after the week or two I'll be back here uploading all the time( idk if that's true or not). See ya soon.

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