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HappyVirus has joined the chat
CuteMaknae has joined the chat
Binnie has joined the chat
Eunwoonie has joined the chat
DancingRock has joined the chat
LeaderJin has joined the chat


CuteMaknae: I AM FOR SURE!!!

HappyVirus: TURN UP!!!

Binnie: I think these two are to excited

LeaderJin: WHOO!!! KCON!!!

DancingRock: YEAH!!!

Binnie: I spoke to soon

Eunwoonie: well I'm excited as well

LeaderJin: it's our second time attending Kcon

DancingRock: why wouldn't we be excited

Binnie: true

HappyVirus: WHOOOOOOO!!!!!

CuteMaknae: PARTY!!!

Eunwoonie: they've gone overboard

LeaderJin: I'm really excited to go to Kcon this year again. It's gonna be exciting

Eunwoonie: yup

HappyVirus: who else is going to Kcon?

DancingRock: Got7

LeaderJin: super junior

Binnie: cosmic girls

CuteMaknae: vixx

Eunwoonie: tons more

CuteMaknae: I can't wait any longer. I wanna go already

CuteMaknae: jinjin hyung, let's go to America already

LeaderJin: we're gonna go soon. Can't you wait a little longer

HappyVirus: nope

CuteMaknae: NOT ONE BIT

HappyVirus: told you

Binnie: I'm so bored right now

Eunwoonie: same

HappyVirus: let's go watch "to be continued"

CuteMaknae: you always want to watch that hyung

DancingRock: you always watch it

LeaderJin: "I have a weak heart"

Eunwoonie: lol

HappyVirus: XP

Binnie: but for reals. Im bored

DancingRock: then go to sleep

Binnie: good idea

Binnie has left the chat

DancingRock: I WAS JOKING!!

HappyVirus: LOL

CuteMaknae: he actually thought you were serious

Eunwoonie: that was amazing

LeaderJin: well that's one idiot out of the chat

LeaderJin: you leaving yet Mj

HappyVirus: XP

CuteMaknae: I'm tired too. I'ma go take a nap

Eunwoonie: me too

Eunwoonie has left the chat
CuteMaknae has left the chat

LeaderJin: you leaving yet Mj

HappyVirus: so mean

DancingRock: well I'm outta here.

DancingRock. I'ma go practice

DancingRock has left the chat

HappyVirus: looks like it's just us two

LeaderJin has left the chat

HappyVirus: SO MEAN!!!

HappyVirus has left the chat

For those who are going to Kcon, make sure to have fun for me while I stay home watching kpop videos or crying because I wasn't able to go. Tell Astro I said hi. And Got7. And tell them that I love them so much.

Sadly I won't be able to go this year because we need to save up money for the trip to Italy and for Fan-Fest. But I know I'll be going next year. And I'll be taking my friend with me. And m definitely not gonna take my sisters.

So have fun at Kcon for those who are going while I cry at home watching Got7, Astro, and Exo vids. Bye bye!

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