
561 22 11

HappyVirus has joined the chat
DancingRock has joined the chat
CuteMaknae has joined the chat
Eunwoonie has joined the chat
Binnie has joined the chat
LeaderJin has joined the chat


HappyVirus: look at our cute maknae

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HappyVirus: look at our cute maknae

CuteMaknae: please delete this

DancingRock: why? You look great

CuteMaknae: just delete it

Eunwoonie: this is amazing

Binnie: I was more amazing as a kid

CuteMaknae: I will always be more adorable then you MoonBin.

CuteMaknae: always


Binnie: that's not what this pictures telling me

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Binnie: that's not what this pictures telling me

CuteMaknae: XP

DancingRock: please


DancingRock: what's better than this?

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DancingRock: what's better than this?


LeaderJin: this ^

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LeaderJin: this ^

Binnie: I HAVE ABS TOO!!


Binnie: do you have abs Sanha?

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Binnie: do you have abs Sanha?

CuteMaknae: -_-

Eunwoonie: this is all so stupid

HappyVirus: what have I done?

LeaderJin: shut up

Binnie: we look good

DancingRock: I don't see you with abs Mj

HappyVirus: ...


HappyVirus: having a cute squishy tummy is better then your stupid abs :)

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HappyVirus: having a cute squishy tummy is better then your stupid abs :)

DancingRock: PISS OFF

Eunwoonie: I'm glad to not be part of this

LeaderJin: where's your abs eunwoo? I don't see them in this chat. Maybe that's why you're not part of this

Eunwoonie: or it's probably because I don't need to send my abs in this stupid chat because you all know I have better abs then you. Even Mj agrees

HappyVirus: I actually do agree

Binnie: who needs you Mj

HappyVirus: you all do or else this band would suck without my vocals :)

DancingRock: DIE!!!

CuteMaknae: Mj has a better tummy then all of you have abs

Eunwoonie: even I agree with Sanha

LeaderJin: then screw you guys

Binnie: I'm sleepy now

HappyVirus: me too

Eunwoonie: then let's go to bed

DancingRock: ^

CuteMaknae: bye bye my hyungs

LeaderJin: night Sanha

CuteMaknae has left the chat
DancingRock has left the chat
Binnie has left the chat
Eunwoonie has left the chat
HappyVirus has left the chat
LeaderJin has left the chat

Another short chapter but I hope you liked it...and the pictures. I'll probably be updating tomorrow. And I do plan on making a Got7 chatroom story a little later during this one. Hope some of you could check it out when I start it. Ok, bye bye :)

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