January 28th

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After Mia's death, and Amaia's miscarriage, she began to grow cold towards everyone around her, except for Lorenzo. Amaia pushed everyone away which including sending Alec and Julian back to war. Not even a day after Amaia's miscarriage she made Julian and Alec return to base. Amaia felt like a failure in Julian's eyes. Although Jaylin was the reason for Amaia's fall, it was Amaia who gave the first push. She was so fed up with Jaylin that she fed into her games and ended up getting hurt in the end. Amaia let Lorenzo stay behind, she made him a duke and gave him a seat at her council. She wanted to keep Lorenzo in her life knowing how much Mia meant to him. She felt bad for him, she may have lost her sister, but Lorenzo lost his future, his unborn child, and the love of his life. Amaia held a soft spot for him, that's why she kept him close by her side. Lorenzo became Amaia's most trusted secretary and advisor.

Amaia was busy making plans for her coronation since the council moved the date up due to Amelia's death. Her birthday was in just a few days and she would be old enough to no longer need a regent. They gave her a month to plan her coronation which would give Julian time to come home to be there for her crowning. She was starting to regret sending him off but knew it was for the best. She couldn't face him now, she felt so much guilt for not better protecting their heir, their legacy. She felt ashamed for letting Jaylin get under her skin, she was ashamed that she wasn't strong enough to fight back. She felt weak that she couldn't stand her ground. Jaylin would pay, after she gives birth to the twins Amaia planned on taking Jaylin's head for causing her to miscarry.

Meanwhile at the border of Cantabria, Julian and Alec were trying to make it out alive. During a night switch, a Cantabrian was able to swoop in and take out one of Julian's men allowing him access to their where they were camped out at. A group of Cantabrian troops attacked their campsite and Julian and his men split up. Everyone was trying to make it back to base safely. Julian and Alec were running through the woods with Cantabrian soldiers right behind them. Julian and Alec came across a ditch tunnel, "There." Alec pointed it out and the quickly slid down into the ditch running into the tunnel. They waited a few hours until they didn't hear anymore voices. "I think it's safe, come on." Julian said to Alec.

As they were climbing out of the ditch Alec pulled out his switch blade and jumped on Julian's back. "Sorry brother, only one of us are making it back to Amaia." Alec whispered to him as he slit Julian's throat. Blood covered Alec's hands and Julian fell to the ground and held onto his throat. He turned to lie on his back and he grabbed for Alec, Alec covered his mouth to muffle his cries as he watched his brother die. Tears filled Alec's eyes as he took Julian's life away. He closed his eyes tightly until Julian finally stopped fighting him. Julian took his final breath and then he was gone. Alec looked around and began to bury the murder weapon. He picked up his brother and carried him the rest of the way back to base.

When Alec finally reached base, he fell to the ground tired from carrying Julian. The other troops surrounded them, they helped Alec up and medical cleaned up the blood off his hands and bandaged his cuts on his face. "They got to him, I didn't even see it coming. We were running through the woods, we were trying to outrun the Cantabrians. Julian tripped," Alec mumbled, "I looked over and he was gone, next thing I knew I heard him screaming and crying out for me, I looked back to see two of them, one holding him down and the other had already began to cut his throat." Alec choked on his words, "I tried to save him, but he was already gone by the time I fought them off." Alec closed his eyes and pretended to cry. Alec's men comforted him and they all said a prayer for Prince Julian. Alec would ride out in the morning with Julian back to Navarre for a proper burial.

The next morning Amaia was in her study making arrangements for her coronation when there was a knock at her door. Lorenzo walked in and bowed to her "Your grace, I bear some bad news." Amaia's heart began to race and bit her bottom lip nervously, "What is it Lorenzo?" She asked calmly. "Well we found out who helped your mother in," Lorenzo cleared his throat, he didn't want the words to come out. "We found out who helped Amelia with the poisoning." Amaia looked up from her papers trying to contain herself.

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