Born Sinner

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Julian paced back and forth in his bedroom. Thoughts of tonight raced through his mind. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled her phone out and seen he had 7 new text messages and 15 missed calls. All from Jaylin, and nothing from Amaia. He rolled his eyes in disgust and threw his phone on his bed and continued to think. He wanted to see Amaia more than anything to make things right with her. He felt so bad about the kiss, but it felt so right. He was upset that he couldn't give Amaia what she wanted. That she couldn't be his first, his first kiss, his first time, his first love. But Julian never felt this way about anyone. He never pined over Jaylin, he never lost sleep over her. She was always there. He was never afraid of losing Jaylin. But this hole in Julian's heart, this terror he felt in the pit of his stomach? What was that? He groaned and walked over to his closet. He changed out of his suit and pulled on a pair of jeans and a black hoodie. He slipped on the first pair of shoes he spotted in his closet, grabbed his phone, and walked out to his balcony. He climbed down the side of the Condé palace, and took off to the Bourbon Palace.

As he walked through the town he realized how peaceful Navarre was at night. Although it wasn't even thanksgiving yet, the town was full of lights and Christmas decorations. Almost every tree was decorated with ornaments and lights. He took his time walking to Amaia's taking in his city for the first time ever. He took a deep breath smelling nothing but pine trees, and chestnuts roasting. Julian practiced what he was going to say to Amaia when he seen her. "Amaia," he spoke to himself out loud. "I'm sorry that you can't be my first for everything, but I" he shook his head. "No, she will see right through me. Why couldn't I just wait for her?" He bit his bottom lip nervously thinking of what to say to her.

30 minutes later he walked into Aragon. He made his way to the Bourbon palace and seen guards all around the front. Julian went around the side and began to climb up the side of the building. He made it up to a balcony and seen Mia still up in her room. Julian whispered out to her, "Psst, Mia,"

Mia snapped her head around seeing Julian standing on her balcony. She gasped frightened not knowing it was him at first. She held her hand to her heart and raced over to Prince Julian slapping his arm lightly. "What the hell are you doing here? You almost gave me a heart attack." "I didn't know which room was Amaia's, will you take me there? I have to see her, I have to talk to her."

Mia crossed her arms and gave Julian a dirty look, "What about little miss Hoelin?" she said referring to Jaylin. Julian choked back a laugh at her remark and smiled at her. "She doesn't compare to your sister, now take me to her so I can make up with her." Mia smiled big, "come on brother in law, you better not mess this up."

Mia walked out of her room first and peeked her head out to see if anyone was watching. She seen one of the guards pacing back and forth. She turned and whispered to Julian, "Her room is down the hall, it's the last door on the right. Go and I will distract my guard" Prince Julian nodded his head ready to sneak into Amaia's room. Princess Mia fixed her nightie and pushed out her chest, trying to make her boobs look bigger to distract the guard. Mia waltzed out her door and walked over to the guard to talk to him. Prince Julian snuck down the hallway and into Amaia's room. He shut her door and locked it behind him. He tried not to make a sound, he didn't want to scare Amaia causing her to scream or anything. He didn't want the King to find out he was in his daughter's room either. Julian took a moment to let his eyes adjust to the darkness and could make out the shapes in her room. He spotted her bed and seen her sleeping. He smiled and took a moment to appreciate the slow rise and fall of her chest. She looked so small in her king size bed. He tip-toed over to her bed and placed his hand over her mouth gently to keep her from screaming

"Amaia." He whispered softly, "Don't scream it's just me."

Amaia awoke from a stranger's hand on her mouth. Of course, she screamed, but her scream was muffled by the intruder's hand. She recognized the voice and sat up pushing Julian's hand away. "What are you doing here?"

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