She Knows

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After another night spent in secret with Prince Julian, Jaylin stepped out of his room to sneak out of the castle. On her way out, Jaylin was grabbed and pulled into a dark room. She was pressed up against the wall by a man and he began to kiss on her neck. "Did it work? Does he believe that you're pregnant?" Asked Alec. Jaylin giggled and Alec kissed on her neck. He turned the light on so he could see her. "Yes, we're growing closer ever since he found out he wasn't going to be getting crown matrimonial." Alec back up a bit from her grinning, "Good, this is very good." Alec looked unto Jaylin's eyes, "Play your part, and you'll get everything you want. My brother, and the crown. Since he thinks you're carrying his heir there is no doubt that he would marry you. Then Once your wed you can tell him you lied, and there is nothing he can do about it." Jaylin smirked and bit her lip as she slid her dress off, "And until then I can enjoy you."

Princess Mia skipped into the kitchen and went over to the first worker she seen. She tapped on his broad lean shoulders and the kitchen boy turned around. He had been in the middle of giving out breakfast orders to the others as he was interrupted. "Princess," He said nodding to her in a deep husky voice. Mia stared up at the kitchen boy as he towered over here. Her hand flew up to her necklace as she played with the charm feeling her heart skip a beat. He looked no older than 16 in the face, and brown curly locks fall into his face as he had to look down at the princess from his giant height. He pushed back his hair annoyed and clenched his jaw growing tired of the princess.

"May I help you Princess Mia?" He asked impatiently as she just stood there and gawked at him. His deep blue eyes locked with hers, she noticed his freckles and smiled. Her eyes gazed down to his soft looking peach lips. She noticed they were thicker than usual and began to think of his lips in certain areas she didn't even think fathomable. He licked his lips noticing her staring at his features. "Princess?" He said again, Mia snapped her eyes back up to his, and handed him a list of foods. "Yes, I'm sorry, I don't know where my mind traveled to." He smirked taking the list looking at it "I can only imagine your highness."

Mia blushed deeply as she smoothed down her dress. "I want this food done by 9 tonight, I'd like to eat under the stars with a potential husband tonight, so I need everything to be perfect." He nodded his head looking over the list again, "Must be a someone very special for all this trouble. Don't you think you'll catch a cold outside Princess?" He asked as he set the list down and crossed his arms over his wide and puffed out chest. You could see his muscle prints under his thin white t shirt. Mia licked her lips softly, "Not that it's any of your concern, but yes he is someone special, I want to make my mother proud by finding a suitor."

He watched as her tongue slid over her lips. "Wouldn't you rather have love? Nights filled with desire? And every day feeling like your birthday?" Mia was shocked at his words, "Just have it ready by nine. And I will need some of your workers to set up a candle lit dinner table on my balcony, and I need a space heater, because yes, it will be cold." Mia said quickly and walked off before she jumped his bones right there in that kitchen. She barely made it out of there before she could let out a soft moan. She hid by the doorway and pressed her back against the wall. Thoughts of the young kitchen boy ran through her mind as she slid her hand down touching herself over her dress lightly. She moaned out again, yearning for him. She peeked back into the kitchen watching him begin to work and roll out some dough. She watched his muscles flex as he rolled the dough, his hair fell in his face again and he brushed it out of the way with the back of his hand leaving a flour mark on his cheek. He glanced up seeing Mia staring at him and he smirked at her biting his bottom lip. She pulled back hiding again as her heart began to race. She ran off to her chambers to fulfill her satisfactions.

Queen Amaia sat next to Prince Julian in the carriage, and Prince Alec sat across from them. They were on their way to Cantabria to try to make peace with its leaders. They agreed to a meeting to hear out Navarre and what they could offer them for the death of their next crowned Prince. About 5 years ago, Prince Nolan of Cantabria drowned in lake tali during the winter. Prince Nolan and Prince Julian were exploring and they wanted to walk across the lake since it was frozen, they didn't know the ice was too thin until it was too late. Prince Nolan fell through the ice and drowned. King Adam blamed Navarre for not better protecting their son. So finally, after 5 years they were on their way to offer some sort of reparations.

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