Power Trip

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"Prince Julian, Prince Julian!" shouted out one of his guards. Julian was in the middle of training. Julian's head snapped to where the shouts were coming from. His guard was sprinting towards him, and Julian's heart began to race. Hs mind ran wild wondering what was wrong. As the guard ran up to him, Julian put his hands on his shoulders. "What is it Louie?" He asked confused. Louie was almost out of breath. "It's King Joaquin, he's dead." Julian's eyes widened "Amaia's father? He was supposed to have another 2 or 3 years yet?" Louie stared at him, "Your father is requesting your presence in the study." Julian nodded to him and pulled out his phone and tried to call Amaia. The line rang once then straight to voicemail. He sighed hanging up the phone and pushed it back into his pocket and back to the palace.

King James was pacing back and forth in the study. His hands were held behind his back as he rambled on to himself. Julian appeared in the doorway, "You called for me father?" James motioned his hands for Julian to come in. "Yes, come in," Julian shut the door behind him and walked over to his father. James held a hand to his mouth thinking. "King Joaquin is dead, and this changes things." Julian looked at him confused. "Why?" James looked at him, "How are you and Amaia doing?" He asked seriously. Julian took in a deep breath and shrugged, "We're doing okay I guess," He sighed and sat down.

"Last week at school Jaylin was being rude to her and rubbed it in her face that she was going to be my mistress but I tried to explain to Amaia that that wasn't true, and that I only wanted her." His voice trailed off. "But she didn't really accept my apology, she told me I could have Jaylin as a mistress, she even threatened to find another husband." King James stopped in his tracks and turned to face Julian. "What?" He spoke sharply. "She said that?" Julian looked at him confused, "Yes but we have an alliance, a contract she can't do that. She knows that, she was just trying to upset me." King James grabbed Julian by the shoulders and shook him. "You foolish boy, what did I tell you? You are not wed to Amaia yet, you don't have what's hers. And now that her father is passed, she is no longer a princess, she is Queen. The contract means nothing! We have no alliance." Julian's palms began to sweat and he began to tap his foot anxiously. "What are you talking about? I thought that was the whole point, for me to marry her because he father was dying."

James let go of Julian and nodded his head. "Yes, but he was supposed to be there, Amaia isn't 16 yet, the contract voids if King Joaquin were to pass before you two were wed.  Her mother will be regent until she is of age. You must get over there and make things right. We need this alliance with Aragon, Navarre needs them, we have many enemies. And Aragon has many allies, and many Kings will be sending their sons to her doorstep once they are aware of King Joaquin's passing. She's going to get many more proposals."

Amaia was on her balcony sobbing over her father's death. Mia was at her side sobbing right along with her as they held each other. They knew this day was coming they just didn't expect it to come so soon, there was a soft knock at Amaia's door, she shouted out "Go away!!" Her mother came in anyways, "Amaia, I know you are hurting we all are, but you have to come downstairs, you have to handle business and decide what is going to be done." "You do it! You're regent, I'm just a silly little girl, I can't do this." She cried into Mia's arms. Queen Amelia dashed over to her daughters' sides. She hugged them both and began to cry as well. "Shhh," she took Amaia into her arms and lifted her chin wiping her tears away.

"Don't say such foolish things, you are Queen Amaia now, but you have to choose a husband, or there will always be a threat to your throne. You have to decide if you're going to keep Aragon's alliance with Navarre." Mia looked at Amelia, "I don't think now is the time mother." She spoke with soft words. Amelia shook her head. "No, you have to deal with this now, you need to choose a prince or a king to rule beside you, I'm sorry but you have to take care of this now, there will be time to mourn and now is the time to act like the Queen that you are. They will be watching your every move, they will try to take your throne away from you, you need to choose carefully and wisely." Amaia looked up at her mother and sat up straight, "She's right," She stood up and brushed herself off. She wiped her eyes and pushed her hair away from her face. Mia was confused, "What about Prince Julian?"

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