Brandon's surprise

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As we were walking, I kept asking where we were going, but he kept smiling and avoiding the question. Then finally we got to where he was leading me to! It was, the empty computer room? I wonder why he led me here? I asked him.

"It's a surprise, I can't tell you yet."

Then I got REALLY excited, I love surprises! While I was thinking about what the surprise was, Brandon was over messing with something on the computer, after that, he set up a screen and hooked up a projector.

? what is he doing NOW?  We're not gonna watch a movie or anything...

"Alright Nikki! It's ready! Take a seat!"

I excitedly sat down on a seat that had a heart shaped embroidered pillow that said how much do you love me?

I got kind of suspicious when I saw the pillow, and hoped that nobody passed  by the computer room.

A video played on the screen, it was of me, Brandon, and the puppies at Fuzzy Friends. And then pictures of me in funny poses and faces. After that, words popped up saying,

I like you Nikki!  

I turned beet red, and I'm pretty sure he did too. I ran over and hugged him and said,

"Me too!"

Brandon was really shocked when I ran toward him and latched onto him. But that was the first time I ever hugged him! Brandon said then

"Nikki, I've been wanting to ask you for a long time now, would you go out with me after school today? I was thinking we could go to crazy burger?

"Of course Brandon! I won't forget! But..."

"But what?"

"But, we better get to math class soon, or we'll be late!"

"He, oh yeah, that." He ran his hand through his hair as he talked.

And we both ran to our class and arrived right on time.

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