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Once he landed lightly at the school, Louis slipped out of his grasp, holding his arms out to get a bit of balance. He turned to the superhero, reaching into his pocket. "Um, thanks.. This should go to you..." He dropped the earrings in his hand.

"Thank you Louis. ... Did you know.. Uh, know she was Ladybug before she.."

"No, I didn't. She just have me the earrings, telling me to hold them. And then she transformed.. Can you help her?"

He smiled. "Of course I can." He glanced down at her miraculous, which lightly clinked on his ring when he moved his hand. "But I can't do it alone. I can't ask you to put yourself in danger either.." he started, looking up again. "..plus you don't have pierced ears, so I want you to stay here."

He nodded, looking out to the evacuated streets. Apparently, she made her impression, as everyone ran off. But it didn't seem that was what he noticed, with the anxious look crossing his face.

"... What is it?"

"Huh? Oh, no, it's nothing..."

He grimaced. "... Uh.. I noticed you had some.. "Followers" while being held with Rosalie."

He had a look of disbelief crossing his face. ".. You mean Oppu and Nuqo? Ah- uh," he quickly replaced the look with a fake smile. "The blue and black haired girls?"

"Yeah. Who were they?" he shifted his head to the side in confusion.

"A-umm.. They were friends. They help me with my French sometimes."

"So you're not native?" He heard a crash, swiveling his head to inspect. Of course, she was still out there. "Ah, sorry, it doesn't matter. Stay safe." He pulled out his baton and ignored the audible relieved sigh from Louis when he leapt off.

'What is going on with that guy?'


"He's an idiot, a downright idiot! I'm not going out to get him, he's an idiot!"

She had been repeating that and very similar phrases to herself the entire time, pacing back and forth through the living room so much she was sure there would be a dent by the end of it. She pulled on her hair in agitation, looking out the front door window for the 7th time.

"Agreste, you are an idiot!" she screamed, regretting it the second she did and locking the door once again. "Ugh, I should've just gone after him.. I'm an idiot..." She slumped against the door, her face covered by her hand

She heard someone chuckle on the other side of the door, making her freeze. They knocked on the door, finally speaking up and letting her settle a bit.

"Alya, could you unlock the door for this idiot?"

She jumped up, fumbling with the lock and finally getting it open after 5 century-long seconds. She swung it open, expecting to see Adrien's slightly tossled hair and joking smile up, but stepped back when she saw the much more wild style and sad look of Chat Noir.

"Ah- Chat..? What.. What are you doing here?" She opened the door wider for him, checking the empty street behind him for anything suspicious. After he stepped in, an even emptier laugh escaped his lips.

"I need your help, and you're the person I trust most with this."


"I need your help, and you're the person I trust most with this."

He watched her stare at him in awe, speechless besides a few squeaks. He stared back, willing her to respond within the next decade.

Heartbreak, Hero Style (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now