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As Marinette and Adrien looked for roses for two separate yet joined reasons, someone else having love-trouble was found by a glowing black butterfly, who found its way into the ring in the boy's hand, which now glowed the same color as the insect. A mask of purple and a mutter of agreement to some unseeable enemy about the heroic pair rang through the empty house, and the black magic covered his body, transforming him into Shame. He leapt out of his alley window, immediately out of sight from the public.

But not for long.


As the blue-haired girl spotted the small flower shop at the end of a road, a scream was heard from the other end of the city. Everyone's heads looked up to the direction of the sound, making it easy to know where it came from. Since everyone was turned away, she slipped into an alley and transformed quickly, jumping to action within seconds.

Moments later, a black cat with a silver baton and green eyes jumped up, saluting her. "Afternoon, m'lady. Any idea on what the akuma is?"

"No clue. But it caught me at a bad time."

"May I ask what you were doing?"

She smirked. "I was about to get roses for someone special. I was standing right outside the shop."

His heart sank at the words, but he tried to cover up his sorrow. "Oh, I see. Well, we should focus on the akuma." He turned his head to the front.

Confused by his reaction, she looked up front as well, the akuma coming into view. He had black hair and a dark suit on with silver lined gloves, and it seemed the lining was coming off and going to people's fingers, where they coiled into rings which then glowed bright red, leaving the victim spouting secret after shameful secret.

Her eye caught onto another ring on a finger that was out of place, and shaped like a blooming flower. It looked new, and didn't match with the rest of his outfit.

"Chat, the akuma is probably in his ring. Do you think you can distract him as I work out a plan?"

He nodded slowly, without a pun, and only leapt away.

She watched him in confusion for a moment more before looking back at the ground for a solution.

Not knowing what else to do, she throws her weapon in the air, catching a wide and simple but sturdy picture frame. "Hmm.." she looked around quickly, looking at chat's baton, back to the frame, and spottig a flagpole. An idea clicked, and she smirked lightly, jumping down from the roof she was on.

"Hey, what's-your-face! Over here!" she shouted, drawing his attention away from chat, who was circling him annoyingly.

"It's Shame! And you will tell me all your secrets, and every lie you've ever told!" he threw a strand of silver at her, narrowly missing her hand as she jumped back.

"You'll have to be better than that to catch me!" She stuck out her tongue with the soul purpose of annoying him.

It worked. But not how she wanted it to.

He scowled, running after her and getting close enough to grab her wrist for a moment before she pulled away.

But he had got her. The red strand was around her finger.

She stopped in her tracks, desperately trying to glue her jaws shut. It only worked for a second before she couldn't stop anything more. "I-I'm in love with a boy at my school, and I confessed to him today. I went to a flower shop to get him roses, pink and wh-"

Heartbreak, Hero Style (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now