Albergo Stadio Nel Cielo

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After my nap, the day went very well. We watched the scenery go by the window, and talked about Gregory's Quidditch Team Auditons. We also talked about my Group Sessions, and how much I enjoyed them.  We talked about Gilderoy, and Orion and Virgo. We talked about what we wanted for dinner, and, when Dinner came around, left our room to eat. 

For Dinner we had salad to start with, then soup, then spaghetti and bread, and, lastly, for dessert, some kind of powdery doughnut like pastry. After that, Gregory ordered wine for all of us. Although I asn't sure how it would react with my Combination, I drank a glass anyway, but didn't drink anymore. Gregory and Draco drank three glasses before the effects of my first glass began. 

When they did, I discovered it wasn't as bad as before. Instead of losing my voice or getting nauseaus, I just become overwhelmingly tired. That being, I got up and told the wo of them I was going to bed. Draco asked if he wanted one of them to come with me, and I declined the offer. I was so tired that I didn't want to deal with either of them trying to make me comfortable. I just wanted to go to bed. And that's what I did: I went into the room, changed into my pajamas and night pants, and crawled into bed. My head wasn't on the pillow for two minutes before I was completly out. 


"Elle, get up." Said a familiar voice. Someone was nudging my shoulder. I yawned and opened my eyes to find Draco standing beside the bed with his hand on my shoulder. He was fully dressed, and from the looks of his wet hair, freshly showered. I sat up, dazed.


"You need to get up. The train is going to pull into the station in about an hour."

"We were going to let you sleep longer, but we thought you needed time to get ready." Gregory explained from the other bed. All of his luggage was neatly put together and next to the bed. He was laying on it, tossing a quaffle into the air, catching it, and doing it all over again. I rubbed my eyes again, trying to let all of this set in.

"What time is it?" I asked. Draco pulled out his pocket watch and checked the time.

"It's 13:04." He replied, then put the watch back itno his pocket. I opened my eyes a little wider: Light was pouring through the window. 

"Wait, like... in the afternoon?"

"Yeah. The wine really knocked you out. And you didn't take your Combination before bed." He guestered to the full vial on the nightstand. I stared at it a moment, then looked back at him. 

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Because we're on vacation." He shrugged. I brushed my hair out of my eyes and got out of bed. To my misfortune I could feel that my night pants were wet, but I had been asleep since eight o'clock that night, so it should have been expected. 

"I need to shower." I mumbled to myself more than to him. 

"Take you're Combination first." He waved his wand and my Combination for the morning floated out of my bag and into my hand. I took the stopper out, drank the liquid, and handed it back to him. Then I bent over and took out one of the sundresses Narcissa had forced me to take (she went out and bought a sundress for every day I would be in Italy. I only had pants to sleep in), and one of the pairs of boxers I had sneaked into my stuff the morning before. 

"I'll be back." I said, and went into the bathroom. I changed out of my night things and turned the hot shower water on. As it ran, I rushed my teeth, then got into the shower. I washed my hair and body with the fancy toiletries that Narcissa insisted I take, then dried off with a towel before wrapping the towel around my wet hair. I left it there and started putting on the Sundress. This one was a light blue with a white accents. 

Eleanor Snape- Book 5, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now