The Triple R's of Life Regrets,Remorse,Reaccess 1

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Chapter 1

Reyna Harris

My alarm clock went off and the classic rock song "Wanna be you" came on. It was time for me to get up.I got up and choose an outfit for the first day of school. I chose a black v-neck and a black mini skirt. I went to the shower, did my make-up and got dressed.

"Good morning sweetie" my mother said."What do you want for breakf-"she began? "Save your breath and go do whatever other shit you do with your life already" I said nastily and headed out the door. "Have a good day and make some friends" my mother yelled out behind me. "Not until hell freezes over "I answered back. I walked down the street thinking, why my mother couldn't just be like regular divorced mothers and just leave her and her business alone. Isn't that what all L.A mothers do?

I made it to my bus stop just as the bus pulled up. Thank God I made it here before that jackass bus driver leaves. The girls from last year looked at me in her all black, snickered and said "What bitch , your mom can only afford clothes the color of your heart?" I just ignored them and figured that she would be sitting through the same bullshit and she did last year and sat on the bus leaving for the stop on Elm Street when my best friend( and only friend)Adam got on.

I could hear the entire buzz about summer and how all of her fellow classmates, my mother likes to call them, went to like L.A, Vegas, and New York. They finally reached Elm Street and there were only three people there and one of them was not Adam. Just as the third person got on and the bus engine stated up again Adam came bursting through his door and sprinted furiously to the bus where the bus driver Mr. Hookers says "This is my first day of school gift for you, get here on time" he barked.

When he walked on the freshman girls oohed, ahhed and giggled at the sight of him. With his long, straight black hair and his piercing green eyes (little did anyone but me know that they were colored contacts and he had beautiful brown ones instead) what was not to be liked. But as always he found where I was sitting and he plopped right on down next to me, we didn't speak the whole rest of the way there because we didn't have to.

We finally got into the school switched schedules and found out that we had all periods together except for 2nd and 3nd. We found our first period and sat next to each other while the teacher, Mr. Carter droned on and on about the school rules, like every teacher figures it's his or her job to do every year for the 1st week. Nestler Alternate High School is and has been a very proper school and make it very clear that you will not act a fool and you will keep yourselves on check at all times.

Mr. Carter finished and the bell rung so we went into the hall and Adam hugged me. He said it was to let other girls that he wasn't interested. I set off to find my next class and I remember this and it brings me back to the time where we skipped school for a week and just drove across the state together and poured out our hearts to each other. I know I love him and he loves me but in a brotherly and sisterly way but no one understands that and I don't blame them because most people don't understand it especially the blonde bitches that are always jealous.

I don't care because that was the best week of my life. I find my way stumbling into Mrs. Liner's geography class after I visit the restroom. She actually makes us do group work and it pretty much sucks because I have Cori in my group and her comments would have piercing to anybodies heart..... except mine.

I learned long ago on middle school to just think about someone or something else because if it turned onto some big thing Adam will get violent. We were walking in some trees and Adam went to get a beer from his car and a guy came up and tried something with me. Adam was in a fury and almost broke the guys arm, we both heard it crack.

It seems absurd that I would want to protect this ignorant girl from Adam but I have a feeling that if he got violent he would either go to a violence facility or drop out and tempt me to drop out with him and unlike his parents my mom has no money to send me to college or to live on because she is barely making it as it is. I got into Nestler with a scholarship anyways.

The excruciating class was finally over and so I had to find my way to third period. Third period turned out to be just as same as first period, the same droning on and on by Mrs. Withers I was finally to lunch period which luckily Adam and I both had together. I went toput     my books in my locker. When I got there I was just about to turn the last number to open my locker when someone jolted me and I yelped. "Ohmehgawd" I said totally startled. "Sorry" Adam said. I forgave him we set out to go to our old lunch table and we entered the lunch room.

When got to our table was taken. We looked around and couldn't find another table and then I realized that we could sit at the tables in the front of the building. Sure it might give us trouble when it rained or snowed but we could figure that out later. For right now we just needed to sit down in a seat so we didn't look like total losers. So we went outside to the table and got out our lunches.

We always brought our lunches because the cafeteria food tasted like, well let's just say you were very unfortunate to have to consume what the state considered edible food. Adam usually brought me a lunch also because while the food at home is not as bad as the cafeterias it is not the greatest either. We found an empty picnic table outside and Adam put down our lunch there and we ate. The lunch period was almost over so we decided to leave early to make sure that we got to our next class in time.

We got into fourth period which was art. Our art teacher talked to us most the time saying that anything you make good or bad could be art. When we had about fifteen minutes left he had this old, funky looking basket and he said to pick a word and that word would be the art we were to work on for the rest of the semester. I was dreading picking something as dull as a tree or trash but instead I picked a house. I was putting it back in and he said "You just picked you future in art class Ms. Harris and there is no going back".

The Triple R's of Life:Regret,Remorse,Reaccess(Repeat)Where stories live. Discover now