Chapter 7:

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"Don't open it!" James and Fred chorused together, while Dom and Lucy yelled "Answer it!"

"Wait, answer what?" Ginny asked, voicing everyone's confusion.

"My mum charmed my locket so that she and dad can communicate with me at all times," Rose explained.

"That does sound like me," Muttered Hermione, her face turning pale.

"Okay! OKAY!" Teddy shouted above all the chaotic noise. "Rose, we have to answer it."

Rose nodded, and opened the locket. The kids braced themselves for the lecture that was about to commence.

"ROSE AND HUGO WEASLEY!" Hermione's voice came into the speakers. The kids shuddered, and Hermione blushed a deep red at her tone.

"Mione, calm down," A 40 year old Ronald Weasley came into view, a worried look on his face.

"Don't tell me to calm down Ron! Our children are missing!" Future Hermione snapped anxiously, pacing back and forth on the worn out rug.

"Mum! Still here," Rose reminded her.

"Don't think I forgot!" Hermione's expression was livid.
"We come home, no sign of any of you, and find a broken time turner on the ground! If you tell me you or your brother had anything to do with this-"

"We didn't! We didn't!" Hugo assured her.
"Yeah, it was all James and Fred!" Exclaimed Rose, receiving death glares from the two as she spoke.

"Is that them?" A worried voice came from off-screen.

"JAMES SIRIUS POTTER!!!" A shrill yell was heard as an older Ginny Weasley took the screen.

"AND FREDERICK WEASLEY!!!" Angelina's voice was distinct, though it sounded tired and anxious now.

"Where are you? When are you? Are you safe?" Audrey Weasley asked anxiously.

"VIC, DOM ET LOUIS!!! Vous avez tout le monde tellement inquiet! Vic, vous étiez censé être responsable! ton père et moi sommes tellement en colère en ce moment!" Fleur rapidly lectured her children in french, and their eyes grew wide.

"If your siblings or cousins are hurt by this I swear!" Angelina was furious.

"JAMES POTTER you are grounded until you're thirty when you get home!"

Ginny winced at how much she sounded like her mother.

"Gin, it's okay. They're safe," Harry's voice reassured a frantic Ginny.

Victoire took the locket.
"Yes, we are. Currently, we are in 1995, at Grimmauld Place with, All of you."

There was silence, before an astonishingly loud ,"JAMES!!!!"

"Shhh. Gin, it's alright," Harry motioned for someone off-screen to take care of his wife as he figured out how to get their children back.

"So who have you met?" Harry asked in a hushed voice that only the future generation could hear.

"Umm. Everyone. You, Mum, Aunt Mione, Uncle Ron, Uncle George, Uncle Fred...." Albus could've gone on, but his father stopped him.

"Okay, Okay. I'm going to go to the Ministry. Perhaps they will know what to do," Harry suggested, and Albus nodded.

"Don't worry, we are going to find a way to get you guys out of this," Harry said calmly, before the locket snapped shut, leaving them with dozens of unanswered questions.

"So, it looks like we'll be here for awhile..." Molly trailed off, a sheepish grin on her face.

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