Chapter 4:

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Grimmauld Place, 1995

"I'll start," Teddy volunteered, stepping forward.

"I'm Edward Remus Lupin, but everyone calls me Teddy," he smiled softly as everyone's faces lit up in surprise.

"Lupin?" A man repeated quietly, and stepped out of the shadows. Teddy nodded, shyly avoiding eye contact with his father.

"You''re my son?" he whispered in shock.

"Almost everyone here is related to you all," Explained Victoire, no one noticed her eyes wandering to Bill, who sat solemnly in a corner.

"Who's your mother?" Remus asked again, and Sirius laughed. Remus looked at him in confusion.

"C'mon, it's pretty obvious. Look at that hair!" He exclaimed, and Teddy sheepishly changed his hair from blue, to green, to yellow, to Weasley orange, and back to blue. Tonks squealed in delight, and searched his face for confirmation. Teddy grinned.

At that, she kept forward and hugged him brightly, before grinning broadly at Remus.
"Told ya I get you someday!" She explained proudly, gesturing to Teddy. Remus meanwhile, asked in a hushed tone,"Are know?" He couldn't bring himself to finish the question.

"Werewolf? Nah. I just get moody during full moons," James nodded to emphasize, and Teddy punched him lightly.

Remus beamed, and pulled both Tonks and his son into a tight hug, Teddy' s eyes welling with tears.
"As I was saying, I'm 23, was in Hufflepuff, and I'm currently training to become an auror," Teddy continued.

"Okay, I'll go next then," The blonde girl's teeth next to him gleamed, and her eyes sparkled upon seeing her fiancé meet his parents.
"I'm Victoire Beatrice Weasley," Molly gave a little happy gasp at the last name 'Weasley'. "I'm 21, I was a Ravenclaw at Hogwarts, and I am training to be a curse breaker, like my dad," She added, and Bill's eyes widened in surprise.
"Oh, and I'm also engaged to Teddy," Teddy chuckled, and kissed the top of her head. Tonks's smile was so large it appeared it may split her in half.

Before anyone could ask questions, a redhead jumped in.
"And I'm Dominique Gabrielle Weasley, younger sister of Victoire. I'm 17, and a chaser on the Gryffindor team," Bill looked as if he could jump up and down in excitement.
"Who's your mom?" Ginny spoke up from the crowd, and she sighed in annoyance.
"I'm getting there, ok?"

"Finally, I'm Louis Bill Weasley, brother of Dom and Vic. I'm 14, and in Gryffindor," He finished, and motioned for his sisters to reveal the identity of their mother.

"And our parents are," Dominique began,"Bill Weasley and Fleur Weasley nee Delacour!" Ginny and Molly groaned, and Fred and George turned to George, their freckly faces lit up like it was Christmas.

"I thought you were just 'elping 'er out with 'er 'inglish!" Exclaimed Fred, and George doubled over in victorious laughter. Bill turned a bright red, and mumbled something that may have resembled 'shut it'.

"Okay, I'm Molly EvelynWeasley..." A light redhead with glasses announced shyly.
Molly's eyes teared up as she heard her granddaughter speak.
"I'm 17, and in Ravenclaw. I have one sister, Lucy, and our parents are Percy Weasley and Audrey Weasley,".

If Molly wasn't in tears before, she was bawling now at the news that Percy would return, and name one of his daughters after her.

"I'm Lucy!" A strawberry blonde announced brightly, her bubbly personality the complete opposite of her sister's serious composure.
"I'm 15, and I'm a chaser on the Hufflepuff team," She giggled happily, and everyone smiled at the young witch.

"Hi! I'm Alice Longbottom, daughter of Neville Longbottom and Hannah Abbott. I have one brother, but he isn't here. I'm 17 and in Hufflepuff," She finished, her comforting personality calming everyone's nerves. Alice had a way with people, the same way she had with plants.

"My girlfriend!" James bragged, slinging his arm around her proudly, making her roll her eyes playfully and pecking him on the cheek. Everyone smiled at the happy couple.

"Moving on from that!" A dark haired boy announced.  His features mimicked Fred and George's.

"I'm Fred Weasley!" He announced with pride, watching his namesake try to contain his shock. When no one spoke, He continued.
"I'm 17, prankster extraordinaire, and one of the beaters on the Gryffindor team." Everyone minus George, Fred, and Sirius groaned when he mentioned pranking. The rest had silly grins on their faces.

"I'm Roxanne Katherine Weasley," His sister announced, stepping forward. She had brown eyes, a mischevious smile, and light brown hair.
"I'm the twin to Freddy," George and Fred grinned even more.
"Obviously, I'm 17, and a beater on the Gryffindor team. And our parents are George Weasley and Angelina Johnson!" They announced goofily, jazz hands and all.

"Dude! You stole my girlfriend!" Fred shouted.

George held his hands up in surrender, and said,"Not yet! You've still got a couple years," He nudged him playfully.

Everyone who had already introduced themselves stepped to the side, revealing only six children left, two redhead siblings, a blonde boy slinked into the back, the James lookalike and the redhead who had squabbled earlier, and a young boy identical to Harry. Everyone gaped at the similarities, and the cousins chuckled.

"All in good time," The Harry look-alike said, grinning.

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