Chapter 24

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Mystice awoke to yelling down the hall, but it didn't sound like just Aries; it also sounded as if there were at least 3 more boys in the room, fighting with her.  She couldn't recognize the voices, but it was probably only because she was out of it.  She rolled over to feel pain in her arm.
  As she screamed, she grabbed it, remembering what she had done.
  The hunger was getting worse.  The more that she didn't eat, the more sick she was becoming.  But it wasn't the kind of hunger you're most likely thinking of.  She wasn't craving pizza, desserts, hamburgers, or any other human food; no, she was craving flesh and blood.  Human flesh and blood to be exact.
  She remembered what Aske had said about what dragons had done in their past lives.  She was becoming a monster- the monster everyone knew dragons once were. 
  She could hear the blood pumping through her veins.  Thump. Thump, thump thump, thump.  It was getting louder and louder until she finally bit off a piece of her arm.  She swallowed, feeling satisfied that the sound had stopped, but the satisfaction didn't last very long; she wanted more.  Then, she started to suck the blood out of her wound; the sour taste she was familiar with filled her mouth, but Aske had tasted way better.
  Realizing what she'd done, she started to scream and cry; not because of the pain, but because she was THE monster.  Darkness filled her vision, and the pain went away.
  She couldn't believe she had done that.  She really didn't want to be a monster, but she couldn't help her cravings, almost like she couldn't help that she had blue hair or was a girl.  She started to wish she would've died when the Tongku killed her family 'cause then maybe she wouldn't be in this situation.  Why didn't they kill me?
  She rested her head against the wall, waiting for someone to rescue her; that's all she really wanted right now.  She wanted to be saved.  In fact, she wanted Aske to save her; she wanted to feel his arms wrapped around her, to feel his lips against hers.  But to her, salvation seemed so far away.

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