Chapter 9

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The Tongku ran at them with lightning speed, and they did not look happy.
They could feel the anger fuming off them.
  "Why are they now attacking us?!"  Val shouted in frustration, shooting one close to him in the head; it immediately dropped dead.
  "Element of surprise,"  Aske grunted, shoving daggers into one of the creatures' back.  The blood splattered all over his face and neck, causing him to look like a canvas that an artist splattered red paint on.  "I'm just guessing though."
  About 10 of the creatures formed a circle around Mystice; She spun around to get a good look at each and every one of them.  One's left eye was hanging out of its' socket, leaving an empty hole of darkness to look at; One was missing its' bottom jaw, making it look like it only had half of a face; And another had one of its' front legs missing.  All ten were mangled and beaten up which made them even more scary to look at.
  The dragon gripped her sword out of fear, knowing that the tighter she held it, the more sore her hands would become.  The creatures started to close in on her, making her feel claustrophobic and petrified. 
  'One eye' snapped at her leg; she yelped in agony and grabbed the wound to stop the blood from pouring out.  When she glanced around the circle, she noticed that each and every one of them had hunger written all over their face- almost like they've starved all their life.  All at once, they started gnawing on her legs, biting deep into her skin.  She collapsed, hitting the ground with a thud; the pain was too much for her to scream out.
  "Mystice!"  Aske grabbed one by the neck, pulling it away from her and stabbing its neck.  Blood spurted out like a water fountain, covering his hands with death. 
  Her big brother decided to join him, shooting the creatures in the head. "Get away from my sister!"
It took a long period of time, but they eventually killed every last one of the Tongkus.  They all had disappeared into a black dust, leaving Mystice injured on the cold, wet grass.  The boys knelt down next to her; the worry visible in their eyes. 
  Aske ripped off a piece of his shirt and wrapped it around her wounds, trying to stop the blood.  Immediately, the cloth turned crimson red.  She whimpered in pain, squirming around to get comfortable on the ground.
  "You're going to be okay, Myst."  Val grabbed her hand, squeezed it.  The warmth of his hand comforted her a bit; she didn't want him to let go.
  Aske picked her up off the ground, holding her close to his chest.  Her head lolled over into his chest, and her blue hair fell in her face.  "We'll walk until it becomes sunset, then we'll stop and rest for the night."
  They then continued their journey, leaving the smell of death behind.

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