Chapter 8

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  "Mystice," Val whispered, avoiding attention from the Tongku. "Get behind me."
  She slowly backed away from the abomination of a creature until she was fully behind her stepbrother, camouflaged and unseen, or so she hoped.
  Aske pulled out both his daggers, and Val aimed his rifle at the creature that looked like they came from a horror movie.  Both boys got in a fighting stance, trying to protect Mystice.
  Val's finger threatened to pull the trigger- to kill the creatures and continue their adventure, but before he could think any more of it, Mystice grabbed his arm. 
  "Wait,"  she paused for a second. "If there's one, there could be many more hidden around us or even near us. Do you really want to take that risk?"  She let go of his arm, gripped the back of his shirt. "Don't attack yet."
  Val looked at Aske for verification on her command.
  He shrugged.  "She's got a point."
  "Then what are we supposed to do? I can't just stand here and do nothing as that creature stares at us, watching our every move!"
  "Wait," his sister said simply.
  "You know I hate waiting," he grumbled at her, gripping his rifle even tighter.
  "Well, get used to it, honey. 'Cause that's what you'll- we'll, I mean- be doing." Aske told him; it was very clear that he was trying to get on all his nerves.
  "You're lucky I don't just shoot you right now."
  "Oh, you wouldn't. Want to know why? I bet you do! It's because you love me too much,"  The black haired boy made a kissy face, making Val's face turn red with anger. "You wouldn't shoot me before you give me a big, ole smack on the lips!"
  This caused the two boys to start quarreling uncontrollably with each other.
  "Guys,"  Mystice called, keeping her eyes on the Tongku.  "Guys, stop fighting and look at this!"
  They immediately stopped, and looked her way.
"What the heck is it doing?" Valemon questioned, getting closer to her- so close that he could feel her body trembled in fear.
  An ear piercing shriek rang through their ears, causing them to scream. The shriek sounded almost like an alarm or a warning, or something similar.
  This wretched noise came from the creature; it's mouth was agape and black ooze dripped out of it, looking almost like black, thick drool.  The sound grew even louder as more Tongku's appeared next to their companion, then they began doing the same.
  Aske grabbed Mystice's shoulder, trying to say something but his words weren't audible due to the ringing in her ears.  She stared into his emerald-green eyes that reminded her of a forest, and gripped her sword tightly.
  Suddenly, the noise came to a halt.  The creatures' mouths were now closed, and the ooze that dripped from their mouths covered the grass, making it pitch black.  For moments, it was so silent that the trio's breathing was all that could be heard.
  Then, they attacked.

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