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Then, Darkness.
                  They came all at once, and it happened way too fast.  She layed on the ground, fearing They would come back.
                  A fire was burning beside her; it was warm and comforting, but  caused the burns that covered her body to sting.  Her face was covered in ashes and tears that spread the black substance all over her cheeks.  Blood poured out of her leg where the wound was- the wound she had gotten from fighting back against that horrible monster.  But even the pain wasn't what hurt her the most; it was knowing that everyone she knew and loved was dead, and for some reason she was still alive. 
                I could've saved them, she thought to herself, if I wasn't so busy being the coward I am, and always will be.
               She could hear footsteps making their way towards her.  She wanted to see who it was, but pain and fear took over her body causing her to be paralyzed temporarily.  A pair of arms wrapped around her and held her close; it brought her more comfort than that fire that was once by her side.
            "You're okay now," a man -about in his mid-twenties- spoke. "I'm going to take good care of you." He brushed strands of hair from her face. "Get some rest now; it's going to be a long walk to your new home."
             As she dozed off, she thought of four things- horrible things:
            Then, there was darkness.

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