Dumb Jealousy Part 1

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: All characters in this story with the exception of Ronald the fox are owned by the Walt Disney corporation. This story is for entertainment purposes only. Art on the cover belongs to "A Duck"and victor1st. Please enjoy! 

It was a stormy night in the city of Zootopia. The thunder boomed, the lightning flashed and the rains fell hard on the stone pavement outside the window. The sly, fox Officer Nick Hopps watched on, as he sipped from his coffee mug. The mug was white ceramic, and had the Zootopia Police Department logo emblazoned along the side of it. The coffee, steamed up Nick's golden rimmed sunglasses. The pitch black lenses hid his ever suspicious green eyes from view. Cars came and went alongside the street outside, and the green and white sign at the end of the road could be seen swaying along with the heavy winds. Nick turned in his black leather cushioned office chair, back towards his computer, and more importantly: his partner Judy Hopps. She had bright purple eyes, and light gray fur, which worked nicely with each other. She wore a navy blue police vest, and a small golden badge off to the left side of her chest, which also had a ZPD logo, and Judy's name on it. Nick began to fiddle with his own badge, which was slightly larger, and had his own name on it. He watched as a few drops of his cappuccino began to spill along the side of his mug, and onto the dark green carpeted floor, on which his paws now rested. He returned his gaze upward at the young rabbit, who he'd had the pleasure of calling his partner for the last few months. The fox owed a great many things to the only bunny cop in the city. She had recommended him for the police force, and gotten him a more honest job. Though, he admitted to himself that, occasionally he missed his former occupation, no matter how dishonest it was. It was better than sitting behind an old brown desk, staring at a computer screen that hurt his eyes for hours at a time. At least at that point he felt like he was actually DOING something. He set down the coffee mug on his desk, and got up from his chair, which made a loud creak as he regained his stance. He cracked his back, and removed his sunglasses with a loud yawn. Judy stared at him as he did this. She knew Nick very well. She was well aware at how dull he thought desk work was, and she had to agree with him. She preferred being out on the streets making arrests. Even parking duty was exciting compared to this. But, rent needed to be paid, and frozen carrots needed to be bought. Besides, she quite enjoyed Nick's company, no matter the occasion. The fox made his way to the door, giving a quick glance as he felt those vibrant purple eyes watching him gleefully. He smiled at her briefly before heading over to the men's restroom. He stood over the white ceramic sink, and groaned as he stared back at himself in the bathroom mirror. He awkwardly waved at himself, perfectly mimicking the same wave that he done for Judy seconds earlier. He seemed somewhat clumsy and had a little too much teeth in his grin. He rested his furry cheeks and sighed. He ran the cold water and rubbed his eyes and the back of his neck. Water trickled down his vest, and to the green hawaiian shirt that he wore underneath. The last week had been rough for Nick. During the week, much to his ever growing sadness, his mother had died. It had happened slowly over the last year, as her lung cancer began to make her rot away into nothingness. Her fur had fallen off, and she had bloody coughing fits constantly. Nick stayed by her side the day before she died. After he had become a cop, he promised to visit his mother on the weekends to take care of her. He'd kept that promise up until she passed in her sleep last Monday. Nick didn't tell anyone at work as he feared they'd give him attention for something he didn't want to discuss. Especially in front of Judy. His train of thought altered slightly at the thought of the bunny. Her buck teeth and her fluffy white tail trailing behind her as she bounded away to arrest a criminal, and he had been at her side. Good times. He dried off his muzzle and paws with a brown paper towel, which he then discarded in the trash and walked back towards his desk outside. He plopped back into his seat and leaned back. He rubbed his head gingerly. He could feel a headache beginning to dawn on him. 

Dumb Jealousy (Zootopia Fan Fiction Judy Hopps x Nick Wilde) by Maximus AnthonyWhere stories live. Discover now