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Hello again :D Like the last poem I did this is from the same story I was going to post... and again if you're interested in it by these poems, sooner or later I will end up posting it. So anyway, on to the poem...



Rising up in the night sky,

And obliterated the moon with its lies,

Above the wild trees and jungles,

And his flight never fumbles,

He opened his beak and started calling,

And with a clang he started falling,

Stirred his wings ever so gentle,

And flew straight into a hidden temple,

And in the moonlight stood Lord Marryn,

Whose malignant, golden eyes were always starin',

With his plumage black and speckled with white,

Joined his friend into flight,

And he who grumbled and growled,

Was in fact a snowy owl,

Deep inside this evil place,

Was a prisoner tightly laced,

And when Lord Marryn reached his door,

Lord Elvan "welcomed" his prisoner even more,

And with his eye so keen,

Struck him down and made him scream,

Lord Marryn looked in wonder,

Behind the door would make him shudder.

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