Suck ass

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Well, my life has been pretty boring and it all consists of eating and all that... And i actually feels like dying. I hate myself and I just. Ugh. I fucking hate myself.

If only i could control my appetite and have control of my thoughts and actions and restrict, i think i would've been at my goal weight by now. But nooooo, my fucking big self wants to fuck things up.

I have exams. There's only four killer subject left and then i'm free!!!!!! I'll leave school and i can start buying my own cigarettes, and its all so cool. I'll have a job. I'll have money. I'll buy marlboro green. And its all going to go well.

Then i'm going to pierce my lips and maybe nose, eyebrow maybe, then i'm going to get a navel piercing. I can't wait!!!

Anyway, i gtg so if anyone read this. If, then you can talk to me or message me or vote or comment. 👋🏻✌🏻️

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