Chapter 4

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As the sun rose the next day, it was very obviously in half. For one side of the land remained in shadow as the other side basked in light. As Avodus rose from her bed, she felt as if she had been sawed in two by a magician. Without a prayer answered the day had come. The great day where God took everyone from this Earth to their rightful destination. She felt the familiar parent panic when something's amiss as she stepped into the semi-living room of their old and shabby house. Except it was worse than the panic a parent has when they believe their child is missing.

Through the East side, the sun shone in, but instead of warmth it brought Avodus a rapid quickening of the heart. For when she looked in that direction she saw Araceli floating, being pulled out of the house a molecule at a time. She looked at her daughter, the youngest by only a few minutes, and reached out her hand.

"Don't worry, Mamma. You'll be with me shortly. There is no pain where we go. Please smile."

While Araceli was drifting away, Avodus reached her hand out to her youngest daughter, but nothing happened. Souls of upstanding citizens seemed to also drift in Araceli's direction. Something was holding Avodus in place. Though the light and Araceli's words sang in her heart, she could not let go. She couldn't become weightless, sinless and go to her beloved daughter.

For another daughter, the one to the West, just as loveable reached a hand in the opposite direction. Thyone's particles were drifting in on each other instead of lifting to a peaceful place. It's as if they were imploding into a black hole and every spirit full of sin Avodus had judged was pulled with the same gravitation. It caused Avodus to grind her teeth something fierce. She couldn't leave one-half of her soul to suffer. Even if it meant giving up her own glorious and God bestowed future, she just couldn't do it.

In the last second before she made one final prayer, both of her daughters smiled in her direction. That was right before they completely drifted away and Avodus was the only soul left on Earth. The loneliness by itself could have been enough to concave her heart, but she would not give in while she still had a fight left.

"God, where have you been all these years?"

And then she finally heard the voice she'd been waiting for since the news of the immaculate conception. The sublime voice resounded within the house made of sturdy logs and spider web thin wallpaper from a century ago. The base of his voice vibrated the leaves in surrounding trees.

"I had to fast to be sure."

"Why? Why did you bless me with such beautiful twin daughters only to rip them away? Why," she yelled the last word, her ribcage shaking. It's not as if she was going to wake anyone for no one was left to disturb. They had all gone to their rightful places, except her.

"Avodus, you have done me proud," boomed the baritone voice. Everything rattled inside the house as if a low flying jet were going by.

"Well, you have NOT done me proud," Avodus couldn't hold back her angry response just as a poisonous snake cannot hold back the fangs from a blood throbbing calf.

"I am tired Avodus. Centuries of watching you fools never make the right decision gets old. Why should I care about Thyone? She is properly trained and will handle herself well."

"She did not know anything about this, and neither did Araceli. You forced this upon us claiming your rightful territory. Have you not heard of consent?"

A breeze drifted through the wheat stalks. It made a noise unlike any other heard on this Earth. For the planet was shifting to its next responsibilities. Avodus had to catch her breath.

"I know!" Boomed God's voice. "Don't you realize I've known all along. But, I never asked for this. It was handed down to me against my will."

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