Chapter 18

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A/N By the way, in this story, Fred is still alive and Harry and Ginny are little Teddy's godparents. I'm not saying that this information will be in this chapter, just letting you know for the future. 503 reads already! I love you guys!

*Draco POV*

I woke up and looked around wildly, where was I? Then I relaxed as I remembered. I was at Potter and Weaslette's flat. I sighed then I remembered what I had to do today.

"HARRY, GINNY WAKE UP!" They both ran out of their bedroom looking flustered.

"What is happening?!"

"It's time to go see Hermione!" I yelled excitedly.

"You woke us up for that? She probably isn't even awake yet!"

"MY FIANCEE'S HEALTH IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR BEAUTY SLEEP!" I yelled passionately and dramatically, running out of the house, I heard sighs behind me. I didn't care. 

I ran all the way out of Hogwarts, across the grounds, to Hogsmeade. Then, I apparated to St. Mungos Hospital. I ran panting to the front desk.

"Name please?"

"Draco Malfoy, *cough* I'm here to see Hermione Granger." She peered at me interestedly then spoke,

"4th floor, spell damage."

"Thanks." I ran up four flights of stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. Her door was still closed. Her healer was sleeping in a chair outside her room. I shook her awake.

"Wha-" she yawned.

"When do you think she'll be awake?"

"Oh, hello Mr. Malfoy, she's already awake, she's been asking for you. I just closed the door so that no one would disturb her."

"Thank you." I opened the door and sat at the foot of her bed. She opened her eyes sleepily.

"Draco," she sighed dreamily, sounding like Loo-Luna.

I leaned down and we kissed. I smiled, so did she. A few minutes later...

*Hermione POV*

We kissed and he smiled, so did I. After a while, Harry, Ginny, Ron, Pansy, Luna, Blaise, Hannah, and Neville all came through the door. I was touched that they had all come to see me. I was lost in a jumble of questions.

"How are you feeling?"

"What happened?"

"Are you okay?"

"Was she terrible to you?"

"Does anything still hurt?"

"Do you-" The healer cut Ron off,

"If you all want to stay, I suggest making a lot less noise, or I will be forced to have you all leave."

"I'm fine honestly, I mean my head hurts after all those questions," everyone looked around sheepishly, "but it's much better than yesterday," I said with a smile.

"That's great," almost everybody said in unison. 

Ron cleared his throat. We all looked at him expectantly. He took Pansy's hand in his and she blushed.

"So, our wedding is in 5 days," he said casually.  Everyone looked at him as they all started remembering.

I was the first to speak, "Oh Pansy, I'll plan your bachelorette party if you want!" She looked at me blankly.

"My what?"

"Oh right, it's a party the night before your wedding to celebrate the last day of being 'single' so to speak."

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