Chapter 3

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*Draco POV*

Professor McGonagall showed all of the couples to their enchanted flats. All the doors were down one corridor, and when she opened it, it was a beautiful two-bedroom house, equipped with all their needs. On the door, the name Malfoy was engraved in silver.

"You are free to dine here instead of in the great hall if you wish. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask," Professor McGonagall said, and then left, her black robe billowing behind her.

I glanced at Hermione and noticed that she was still being surprisingly civil with me. I walked into our flat and looked back at her, she was tracing the word Malfoy with her finger. I climbed up the stairs and entered the master bedroom, and saw that there was only one bed, and one couch, figures, they wanted the population increased after all.

"Hermione, do you want me to sleep on the couch?" I asked her, trying to be a gentleman.

"Don't be ridiculous," she responded. She waved her wand, and the bed split into two smaller ones. Leave it to her, I thought, although I'm sure many of the couples had the same idea.

"Oh smart."

"Thank you." She sat down on the couch and began to read a book, of course.

"I'm going to see how Blaise is doing with Loo- Luna, alright?"

"I'm coming with you." I was surprised, I thought she'd want as little to do with me as possible, and then I mentally slapped myself, of course, she didn't want to be with me, she wanted to visit Loony, I mean Luna.

"Are we going," she asked.

"Yeah," I answered, "Let's go." 

We walked rapidly to the door marked, 'Zabini'. I knocked. Luna came to the door. 

"Hello Draco, Hi Hermione," Luna said dreamily, her eyes staring off into the distance.

"Hi Luna," Hermione responded.

"Sorry, I was staring at the nargles flapping around both your heads," she explained. Me and Hermione looked at each other. Luna continued, "You two must be very deep in thought."

We were distracted when Blaise came to the door, "Hi Draco, Hermione." He wrapped his arm protectively around Luna. I was shocked, had they seriously already come to terms with this mad, new law?! Luna sank into his chest still not really focusing on any of them.

"Anyway," I started, "We just wanted to see how you were doing."

"We're fine, we were already secretly dating before the law was passed. More importantly, how are you two doing, weren't you mortal enemies before the law." I didn't know how to answer that, so I just let Hermione handle this one.

"You two were secretly dating?" she asked, as confused as I was.

"Yes, but don't dodge the question," Blaise retorted.

"I forgave Draco," she said simply.

"Yeah, but still now you have to marry him," Blaise responded. 

"I'm right here," I put it.

"I know mate, but it's no secret." I kept my mouth shut after that. I just went back to our flat, where I was joined a little later by Hermione.

"I'm going to go visit Harry and Ginny, and then Ron and Pansy," Hermione told me.

"Why would you visit Ron and Pansy?" I asked I was not jealous.

"Ron was my boyfriend before this, sort of and he was my best friend, since we were in the first year, and he was sadly partnered with Pansy."

"Fine, but I'm coming."

"Alright meet me at the Weasley flat in one hour." There now I could make sure Weasel didn't make a move on her.

*Hermione POV*

I walked over to the flat marked 'Potter' and as soon as I knocked, both Harry and Ginny opened the door and squeezed me into a hug, which I gladly returned.

"We're so sorry you got stuck with Malfoy," Harry said. Ginny said nothing.

"It's alright, I forgave him remember?"

"Yeah, but still, Malfoy," 

"Harry, the war is over and he is my fiancee, what is the point of hating him. You know me and Draco will end up coming to your wedding and you two will be coming to mine, so don't do this, I don't need you to like him, just give him a chance."

"Fine, I will Hermione, for you," Harry answered. I breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Ginny, I know it's a little early, but will you be my maid of honor, there's no one else I would ask, you are my best girlfriend," I asked.

"Of course Mione, I would be honored, please come inside."

"Thank you."

We talked for an hour about all sorts of things, I felt safe here with my friends. Then I walked to the flat marked 'Weasley', where Draco was already waiting. He nodded at me, acknowledging me. I nodded back.

I knocked on the door. Pansy opened the door,

"Hi Draco, Granger."

"Hi Pansy," me and Draco said in unison.

"I'm guessing you want to speak to my dear fiancee," she stated coldly. I nodded, she continued, "Good luck with him, he's not coping as well as I am." she rolled her eyes. I wondered what she meant by that.

"Ron," I called hesitantly. I walked into their living room. And there I saw a very drunk Ron. He was on the couch holding a full bottle of firewhiskey in one hand, and an empty one he had obviously just finished, in his other hand. He got up when he saw me.

"H-Hermione? I still love you, I'll kill that ferret," he slurred. He then reached toward me, I jumped back, He looked confused,

"What's wrong, Mione?"

"I will not cheat on my fiancee," I said stubbornly. He tried to kiss me, I pushed him away, but even drunk, he was stronger than me.

"Draco!" I yelled. Pansy and Draco both ran into the room at the sound of my urgent tone. Draco shoved Ron off of me. 

"Thanks," I muttered.

"No problem," he replied. He turned on Ron.

"Don't worry, I will deal with my fiancee," Pansy told him. She turned to Ron and started slapping his face repeatedly.

"You idiot, you git, like it or not, you are engaged, to, me," she punctuated each word with a blow. Me and Draco slowly backed out the door.

We walked together in silence back to our house. Draco broke the silence,

"So that wasn't the best idea, are you all right?" I startled myself by laughing. This concerned Draco.

"Sorry, it's just that the irony of the situation is weird. The person I've been friends with since the first year just tried to kiss me against my will, and the guy who's hated me since the first year, just rescued me." 

Draco still looked confused but he just shrugged. I smiled, maybe this year wouldn't be too bad after all.

A/N This chapter has 1200 words, so shorter than the other chapters, but still pretty long, HPFL, that stands for Harry Potter For Life, HPFL sounds like Hufflepuff, Illuminati confirmed. If you liked this part or any other part of my story, please consider giving it a vote. Remember to comment on questions or comments. :)

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