Chapter 2

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*Hermione POV*

We arrived at Hogwarts shortly after the whole Draco incident. We gathered in the Great Hall ready to watch the first years get sorted. I sat with Ginny, rather bored of the whole process, Ginny was the only one who was speaking to me, I assumed it was because of what I said to Draco, but I wanted her to know.

"So Ginny, I forgave Mal- Draco," I said in what I hoped was a casual tone.

"I know," she responded. I was surprised.

"And you're still talking to me?"

"Of course, you're my friend, if you think he deserves a second chance, after all, he did to you, then he must be deserving, I'll forgive him too, but I doubt Ron and Harry would do the same," she answered. 

Honestly, I loved Ginny, she might be younger, but she is much more mature than Harry and Ron put together. She was taking this without blinking an eye, she said even she would forgive Draco. A Weasley forgiving a Malfoy. 

"Thank you so much, I just feel like he was pressured into being a death eater just because his father was one. He himself has not really done anything evil. He tried to kill Dumbledore, but he didn't, he fought for us in the war, so I think he deserves a second chance."

"If I could have everyone's attention please," Professor McGonagall suddenly spoke, "All first through sixth years, go to your common rooms, all seventh years and those coming back for their eighth years, please stay in the Great Hall."

"I wonder what's happening," Ginny whispered. Then, Kingsley Shacklebolt, the new Minister of Magic, walks towards the front of the room. The whole room became so silent, you could hear a pin drop.

"Unfortunately," Kingsley started, "Due to the Great War, the wizarding population has been decreased by more than 50 %." Gasps were heard all over the room, Kingsley continued, "This has caused the Ministry to approve a new law, the marriage law." No one dared to speak. "I'm sorry, but my hands are tied, if we don't do this, the wizarding population will die out. Every couple under the age of 35 must be married by the end of the year, and the partners will be chosen via the sorting hat, and eventually..." he trailed off, but he didn't have to finish, everyone knew what he meant, the woman had to be pregnant relatively soon, which meant...

Then the uproar started.

"You can't do this to us!"

"I'm not entrusting my future to a hat!"

"Why should you choose our partners?"

"What if we're already in a relationship?"

"The end of this Year?!"


*Draco POV*

I couldn't believe what was happening. In a way, I was happy, nobody would willingly marry and have kids with an ex-death eater. In another way, I felt really bad for whoever ended up being stuck with me. 

I didn't even know who he wanted to be with if I had had the choice. Daphne maybe? Pansy? Granger? No, two of those would be terrible. I love Daphne like a sister and honestly, I didn't want to think about life with Pansy. I shuddered at the thought. I didn't answer myself to my third idea. I didn't know. And I really didn't want to find out. 

Beside me, Blaise looked deep in thought as well. Daphne was crying because she was already dating Theo, who also looked upset. I hoped they would stay together, they were as close as friends as I had, and they were cute together. 

I had always had a tiny crush on Astoria, Daphne's sister, but it wasn't a very serious crush, and she was in her sixth year, so it could never happen anyway. I sighed, I would be betrothed to my soulmate within the next couple of hours, for better or for worse. I zoned out as Kingsley was explaining how each witch would put the hat on their head, and the hat would yell out their soulmate.

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