Intros and Basics

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I've mentioned this in the description but there is going to be blood and gore and I might even add a few major character deaths. Granted I have a weak spot for all of my characters even the messed up villains but then again I had a ball writing the last few chapters of The Screaming Souls and this one is guaranteed to be icky. Though it won’t start until the fifth chapter, because we all know I need my slow starts, but hey I’m introducing triplets here who are going to be major characters. I don’t want to introduce them all at once leaving the reader a bit dumbfounded and trying to desperately remember who is who. That’s a major pet peeve of mine. I get that I did it in The Fox’s Game but the triplets there weren’t major characters, they were there for character depth and to give Britney someone to kidnap other than Sage… Shut up I know I was being lazy. Just keep reading k?


Guess who’s back and ready to go on another twisted adventure? Not Nichole that’s for sure, no Nichole’s POV isn’t going to be in this story at all. It’ll be Col, and Nichole’s brothers an a suprise POV all taking separate roots to find the boy with no memories. You’ll have your usual blood and gore mixed into this adventure but Lynne won’t have any part in it because of an early plot twist. ‘GASP’ So grab your teddy bears and blankies and follow along as some race against the clock everyone becomes paranoid and this little thing call Rip Wires become a serious threat to the few willing to still go into the forest. As well as some pretty messed up things but come on it’s a sequel to The Screaming Souls of course there is going to be messed up things going on!


So Yeah the sequel to The Screaming Souls is finally here and well it’s going to be messed up, I might even considered making a separate book to add restricted chapters but I haven’t decided yet. What do you guys think? Also this will update slowly as I am a busy person as of late, which sucks but eh that’s life. So wish me luck and let’s hope I don’t wuse out and dilute some of the gory parts.

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