Chapter Three

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      I glanced over the profile of the bounty and decided the best course of action would be to check his trail, following it straight to him. So I started my process, hunting every bounty that falls upon my rough hands. I almost felt pity for the crooks but on the other hand, you reap what you sow. A simple motto that corrupted my fragile kindness as a child. I shuttered at the thought of this stupid naive nature I had as a child, but pressed on with what I was doing. 

    The last place he had been seen was a small house on the outskirts of town, it's a bright white color and dull to look at. The surroundings of the house were almost impressive if it weren't for the small white two story house. It hand plants, only flowers but none the less they were the first plant I had seen in my life. If I wasn't mistaken they where spider lilies. I knelt to get a closer look at them, didn't help much except for adding on to my curiosity.

   Before I could touch them a woman about five foot eleven inches, brown hair and a slender stature walked outside and looked at me. I carefully took a gander at her appearance. Her skin was so pale that she seemed to glow and she wore a short summers dress that were covered in red flowers. 

     I dared a look at her face afterward and flinched at what I had found, she had vibrant red eyes and no mask on. I gulped and calmly stood to face her properly, resisting the urge to ask her how crazy she was, but then again who was I to judge.

   "Um... ma'am do you have any idea what this air does to people?" I asked slowly as I cautiously watched her. She only responded with a small nod as she watched my every move. I gulped slightly, realizing just.... what I was talking to. I was talking to an infected, something that I am know, but it still bothered me. I took a deep breath to calm myself and walked up to her with vigilance, gently setting a hand on her head.  I then started to pull off the wig she had been wearing.

  She didn't move, not even an inch as she stared up at me with her glowing red eyes, her white hair falling to her shoulders. Gently covering them like a winters coat or a scarf. I could feel my eyes widen as I dropped the wig, she wasn't going to be just an infected for long. Soon she was going to turn into a horrible creature if something wasn't done quickly, but what could be done about this?

I stayed standing there unable to do anything as I lost myself in my thoughts...

   Glowing blue lines to that of a normal computer chip started to crawl across her skin, completely encasing her arm. I was wasting time on this and unless I took care of this now it would bite me in the ass later. There was really no way to work around this, it was just there. I sighed and slowly accepted this fact with a shake of my head. 

     "I'll have to deal with this later...." I muttered to myself as I deliberately turned around and started walking away. I knew that this was going to change quite a few things about this bounty... just the fact that he was near something like that thing. I had so many questions but no one to ask them to, until I catch this stupid spider. 

    With that note I sighed and continued my search, he would have a lot of explaining once I have him in a cell. A nice rusty one would do just nicely for the likes of this freak. 

   Once I left the area the house was in the trail ran cold, no tracks, no clues, nothing. Absolutely nothing as to where to look for him, this case wasn't going to be as easy as I thought it would.   That is what makes this worth it I guess. I ruffled my chestnut and white streaked hair under my hood and sighed, deciding to call it a day.

     Walking down the cobble stone street I had this morning was a pain. There were people everywhere, there were even auras which surprised me. Auras were a different category of person. They were the only ones who could breath this sickening air without being effected in anyway, shape, or form. 

  What they were doing here was completely unknown to me because usually they would just keep to themselves and stay indoors. Keeping themselves from the outside world completely. I ignored it and simply thought, 'it's none of my business to wonder that...' as I started walking up the apartment complex stairs to the fifth floor.

       I quietly approached the door and warily opened it, half expecting oliver to pop up out of no where and shriek at me for taking the coins I was given from her room. Then again knowing her if I had left it then she would have spent it on something stupid so an ear full didn't seem as bad. I peeked around the doorway and found nothing, but still there was no way that I wasn't going to stop being cautious.

         I stealthily crept into the house and sat on the couch, taking off my boots and sighing quietly to myself. This job was getting more difficult with each passing day but it paid the bills. I guess I couldn't bitch about it to much, the job had it's pros and cons. 

    There was a creak in the floor broads behind me but within a swish of a dogs tail I whipped my head around to see oliver. Her expression didn't look to pleasant and her glare told me that she had quite a few choice words for me. As I got ready to get yelled at her face softened and her shoulders relaxed. She then walked over to the seat next to me and took it, making herself comfortable before speaking. 

"Trail go cold..." she asked in a puzzling statement. 

"Yup...." I shortly responded, looking at her to try and find out how she knew that.

     She caught me staring at her with a curious aspect to my usual grimace and quickly answered "You're never home this early.. I could tell something was up".

the spider eyed bounty hunterWhere stories live. Discover now