Chapter Two

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         I awoke the next morning to the light that dully filtered through the slightly tattered curtains,  that where loosely pinned up on the wall to block the small window that we had avoided. I glared at it for a moment and slowly sat up and decided to start another day of work.

     I stood and stretched as I carefully stocked my way over to my boots and hastily slipped them on and tied them. I then looked around for the bag of coins that I had set on the counter last night, only to find that it was missing from the place from which I had placed it first. I sighed realizing the only other place it could be, my sisters bedroom.

    I soundlessly stocked my way down the dark empty hallway toward Oliver's room and carefully opened the door. Behind the door held a desk with many various computers and laptops and wires, but in the other corner of the room was a bed with black sheets and an olive green comforter. Beside the bed was a small nightstand and on top of it beside her green lamp was the coin purse I had earned the other day along with the others that had mysteriously went "missing". I grumbled and cursed at her under my breath to keep her from waking up and shouting at me. 

     I set one foot into the bedroom and oliver quickly sat up with her hair a mess and eyes still closed making me freeze as I stared at her.   

     "Computer virus.....stole my sandwich" she muttered before flopping back onto her bed and softly snoring. I looked at her with high amounts of confusion and concern as I wondered about her mental stability and continued to stock my way over to the 5 coin purses on her nightstand like a snake in grass. 

      Once I made it to the nightstand I quickly scooped up the five coin purses and booked it out of the room and down the hallway. I didn't care to turn around as I opened the front door and shut it behind me with a slight chuckle as I slipped on my mask. I silently observed my surroundings, noting that there was very few people on the cobblestone street that everyone called the main road. It was kinda shocking because usually this street was fulled with market vendors and many willing customers to buy anything to distract themselves from the growing issues that cloud today's society. 

       I shrugged off the lingering feeling of sensibility that had subtly crept up and whispered their nothings into my ears. Turning to head toward the office, I sighed and thought curiously about what today would bring.

    "Maybe an actually bullet between my eyes..." I scoffed as I remembered the feeling of the barrel pressed against my head. To tell the honest truth it wasn't the first time this happened, and to only add to the misery, it probably won't be the last. 

    I let out another long sigh and begun to shuffle my way toward the office building where another endless day would await me.   

     Upon entering the building, I looked around at the grand hall before me, a grand hall that would intimidate anyone who came in the building for the first time. The grand entrance hall had black walls with blue lines that anyone outside would think looked like electricity was running through them. To add to the effect, some of the lines would glow when the room was in complete darkness, like it was toxic. The tiled floor was a deep grey with a black fade around the edges that seemed to fade into the walls and the edges of every tile.

      "Well it looks like the bounties for today got a little more exciting" shouted one of the other countless bounty hunters in the office at the time. 'Exciting huh... nothing about this job is exciting to me' I bitterly thought as I turned to look at the bounty board that had been updated this morning, just like every morning. I stiffly made my way over to it, not caring much for the distance everyone in the office gave, this was the norm for me. 

        I quickly scanned the board and selected the highest priced skull, quickly pulling the poster down and walking away with it tightly grasped in my hand. The other people in the office quickly moved out of my way as I walked past, sending fearful glances around the room as if to make sure they knew the closest exit near themselves. They where always this way even when I first joined the organization for good, always skittish and pumped full of anxiety as goosebumps crawled there way over there skins. Then again I don't blame them, I never did, I would probably do the same if I were in there shoes. They stay away because they know that my hands aren't the cleanest, I have killed people before. In fact it was my profession, an unwanted one but a profession none the less. 

       My other job was that which clouded me in mystery and shadows, hiding the blood that thickly coated my hands. One that required me to lose my humanity and sanity for a long while, and force us to complete the most impossible of tasks with ease and giant smirk. That's also where I gained my spine chilling grimace from. I also gained a lot of other useful skills from it, but I would never say that I was proud of it, I probably never will be. 

     I tried my best to block out the flood of memories but quickly faltered as the screams of the dying rung in my ears, and I remembered their faces. I gripped my head and clenched my teeth tightly as I sighed and walked away from the bounty board with a scoff. 

         Before I could get very far I felt a tap at my shoulder. I hastily turned around and nearly smacked the figure until I realized the regret I would feel afterward as my boss smiled with his pointed fangs. 

    "Wanna try that again boy" He thundered authoritatively at me with a crooked smile as I looked him up and down. He had short spiky brown hair and yellow eyes that almost hurt to stare at for to long, that and the headache didn't help. He also wore a black tux with red lines on it that mimicked the walls perfectly, and a red tie to match. 

      "No Mesothelae" I said flatly as I tried to turn to start the hunt for this spider until he called out to me this time. 

       "Hey wester, did I say you could walk away from me" he growled angrily as he figured I would just sit and roll over for him. 

     "Did I say we where on a first name bases, hmm" I spat back letting my temper get the best of me. He quickly opened his mouth to protest but I then interrupted him with "thought so..." as I walked away and smirked. 

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