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   Wester hesitantly looked up to the silver barrel of the desert eagle that was firmly paced to his forehead. He concentrated on the feel of the cold steel against his skin and tried his best to ignore the fact that it most likely would end his life at any second if he made the wrong move.

  "So...... whatcha betting on, hunter" the crook spat with a crooked grin as he pulled the hammer of the gun back with a click.

   'Nothing of your concern wolf spider' he thought as he glared down the barrel and to the crook while biting his lip to the point of which blood had started to coat his tongue. He then started to glance around the surrounding area for some sort of object or movement so that he could distract his target with and quickly realized that there was nothing near enough to grab. Heck, there wasn't anything he could grab even if he lunged for it. He had to come up with something, and quick before he had a bullet in his skull and was buried six feet under.

  "Nothing to say, huh....whatcha scared or something, first time behind the other side of the barrel of a gun" the crook chuckled at what he had thought was a good insult as his finger started to twitch on the trigger. At that exact moment, an idea struck him.

  "How are your loved ones back at home.....probably not so well" Wester then responded with a devilish smirk. "Oh and how is.........Jane was it....your sweet little western bell" he quickly added as he watched the crook flinch then stiffen as if he hadn't heard a single word he had just said. He then smirked and chuckled as the crook growled: "what did ya do to my Jane", the gun trembled in his hands.

   "Make your best guess....wolf spider" Wester dared while hiding his true fear behind that twisted smile that made his sister's skin crawl and his gas mask as he pressed his own forehead against the cold barrel of the gun. The crook flinched as he then struck him with the bottom part of the clip to Wester's cheek making his mask fall off of his face as he hit the floor.

    Wester grunted as he slowly opened his eyes to a world that spun around him. 'I guess he hit me harder then I thought' he pondered as he slowly picked up a small price of wood and sat himself up. He then spat out a bit of blood and licked his bleeding lip again to keep feeling the pain. The crook was now yelling at him with absurd anger and rage that had built up from the previous comment that Wester had made.

    While ignoring the crook Wester quickly shoved the small piece of wood into the barrel of the gun until it broke and roundhouse kicked the back of his knees. The crook had hit the ground with a satisfying thud and started trying to slowly crawl away as Wester stood and stooped over him with the same haunting smile.

   "I'm sorry what was it you were saying wolf spider," he said with a deep chuckle as he glared at him and forcefully stepped on the crooks wrist and started to apply pressure until he heard a loud unnerving crack come from it. The crook howled from pain as he tried to pitifully move the foot from his injured wrist to cradle it. He moved his foot and glared at the pitiful fool as he pulled him up, the thought crossed his mind 'I can't believe I let a weak spider like that hold a gun to my head'. Wester looked at the petty wolf spider over his shoulder and sighed as he started his long commute back to the agency.

~a few hours later~

   Wester kicked open the door to the hunting departments offices and stormed his way to where his client was sitting and roughly set the crook in the seat across from them. Wester watched carefully as the crooks eyes widen and the look of betrayal quickly floods his face.

" could you do this to me...I trusted you" the crook managed to croak out as he stared at her like a wounded dog. She sat there and listened to his pitiful whimpers and whines as calmly as she could as she finally spat back. "Me, betray you...Ha, don't make me laugh".

   The crook stared at her for a second as she explained how she had been the one that was betrayed because of the countless women he had brought in the house and about his business. Wester couldn't care less about there situation at him but the business part had fought his attention. He was apparently a chip dealer and probably one of the biggest ones out there. 'Good thing I caught him then' Wester thought as he watched the scene play out in front of him.

  "You witch..." he started with a new found anger in his eyes. Before he could say another word she quickly spoke up.

  "I'd rather be that than yours" she barked at him as she quickly signed the paper that pronounced this job done and handed Wester a medium sized bag of coins. He repaid her generosity with a slight nod as he walked out the door with the crook. They silently walked up to the dark rusty cell where Wester then threw him in and quickly slammed the door shut.

While walking out the door to the office building he sighed as he looked at his surroundings then rushed to get home where he could finally relax. If It weren't for his sister that is, because she would always trounce around the place in a sports bra and jeans no matter how many times he had told her not to.

Once he had gotten to the front door he stopped and thought for a second, 'she'll probably notice that I actually breathed in some of that toxic shit we call air around here'. He sighed and pushed it out of his mind for the moment and opened the door to the place he called home.

the spider eyed bounty hunterWhere stories live. Discover now