Chapter 16

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Authors note: So, we've hit 1.32K and I'm sooooo proud! I know you might hate me for this, but I'm going to start setting goals for each chapter. So in order for chapter 17 to be updated, the book has to hit 1.45K~

I believe it is a very accomplishable goal, since the last chapter caused the book to go up by around 200 reads!

Don't hate me for this chapter!


"I'm tired of us fighting." Alex sighed, his eyes pouring into mine. He wore a black jacket and basketball shorts, his hair was all over the place, I could tell he's been stressed. The faint bags underneath his eyes and his reddened cheeks couldn't tell me otherwise.

"I am too," I said, there was a distance between us, as I was sitting on his bed, and he was sitting on his black office chair. I rubbed my arm awkwardly, looking everywhere but at him.

His room was painted a dark blue. It was nice, for someone as disorganized as Alex. Maybe he had cleaned his room before I had arrived? His books were organized onto a single shelf, his desk was practically clear, besides a textbook and a cup that held his pens and pencils. I noticed his bed was made, and that his ceiling fan had been dusted. The air had the faint smell of air freshener.


Portraits hung from his walls, some of him with his friends, he had a few with his family, but one caught my eye.

It was a picture of Alex and I at the beach. We were in the water, splashing each other. We were both happy, challenging grins evident on our slightly red faces. I smiled, recalling the memory. I'm assuming Alex's parents took the picture, since I never knew about it.

"Look, I know I'm not the best guy ever. I make mistakes, a ton of them." I glanced over at him. "But I don't want you hating me because I have feelings for you. I would hate that more than anything." His voice was raspy, like he'd been crying.

"I don't ha-"

"I overreacted, and I'm hoping that you can forgive me, I'm begging for you to. Please–" he croaked. A feeling of guilt washed over my body.

The truth is, I could never stay mad at Alex. I feel like I complete bitch every time we fight, especially for such tiny things. These were small problems that both of us needed to work on fixing.

"I forgive you Alex," I murmured softly, getting up from his bed and wrapping my arms around him. He stiffened at my touch, then relaxed after a few seconds.

I knew I really wasn't being fair to him. I was aware of his feelings, but confused of my own. I didn't want to give him an answer that I would regret later on. He traced my spine with his hand, rubbing my back soothingly as we hugged.

"I'm really, really sorry." He mumbled. I squeezed him tighter in response.

We sat there like that for what seemed like hours, he finally broke the hug. He took a strand of hair that was in my face, and tucked it behind my ear, smiling as he did so.

"You're more blind than I am." Emma chuckled.


"He really likes you Scar," she pulled out a pair of black pumps, after eyeing them for a few seconds, she shook her head in disapproval, before putting them back. "You know you like him back, you're just afraid of change." I blushed.

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