Chapter 5

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It's been a really long and stressful week of school. I'm already somewhat used to the place, seeing as the highschool was oddly similar to my old one.

Both are big cubes of drama!

Alex and Noah have been a big help, and I'm extremely grateful for their readiness to guide me through the long complex hallways, that in a week from now, won't be so complex. Band has been a handful, auditions are coming up, and I'm close to ripping my hair out of my head.

I was snapped from my thoughts when I heard the back door slam shut. To my surprise, it was my mother. She had many fly aways that stuck out of her sloppy bun. Her face was red with rage, she slung her purse on the cherry wood floors.

"Drivers in this damn town are crazy!" She yelled.

My mother has always been the driver you would call a "road rager." I'm surprised she hasn't killed someone.


Angrily, she stomped to the refridgerator, and swung it open. I decided to let her cool down, so I left her to herself. I skipped up the stairs and headed to my room.

I opened the door, only to be greeted by a familiar drum major sprawled out on my bed.

"Alex, I swear, you're in my room more than I am." I mumbled as I snatched the remote from his hand, changing it from Spongebob to Bones. He managed to have wrapped himself in the blue comforter, complaining that my room was freezing.

"Heeeeey," he whined. "I was watching that."

"I'm fully aware." I commented, sitting next to Alex, who was pretending to cry in my pillow. "How did you get in here anyways?"

His head perked up, his sparkling eyes looking into my own. His slightly chapped lips turned into a smile.

"I took your key and made a copy."

My breath hitched. He took my key? That sly little j-

"Don't be mad, in fact, your mom requested that I got a key to the house. Just in case you lock yourself out." I rolled my eyes.

Yes, cause that happens all the time.

He turned his attention to the television, which consisted of an awkward make out session. I frowned, remembering what those girls had said about Alex's so called "girlfriend."

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked. Suddenly my eyes widened at my words, and I immediately clamped my mouth shut. I shouldn't have asked that, since it was really none of my business. Alex just chuckled in response, showing off two faint cheek dimples.

"Yeah, but she's been acting weird lately."

"How so?" I questioned, he sounded comfortable with the subject. So why not find out more?

"She's just been more distant, but then again, so have I. She's not in band, so she really doesn't understand how much time it takes up," he sighed. "I'm thinking about breaking up with her, we just aren't clicking like we used to, you know?"

I only nodded. I really didn't understand how relationships worked, seeing as I've never been in one before. "I totally understand, relationships suck."

"Well they don't suck all the time." He smirked. "Why did you wanna know?"

"Just curious."

We sat in silence, I pulled out my homework and started working on the many problems that were due the next day.

About an hour later, Alex was asleep. He looked so innocent. His cheeks were a faint pink, and he curled himself up in my blanket.

Maybe my room is a little cold.

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