Chapter 7

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*Emma is pictured above

Do you ever have that feeling of absolute joy, where you forget all of your problems and you're enjoying a special moment, that you know will be treasured?

That's how I'm feeling at this moment.

"You do know you look like a complete fool, right?" Alex laughed, pointing at the sand that has now soaked my clothes.

"We are at a beach, it's normal to be covered in sand," I argued back, while pushing in some of the parts of our giant sand castle that seemed to have tumbled apart. We worked on the castle forever, it was a beauty. Alex decided to take a picture together with it.

I look back at my parents, who are enjoying the shade underneath the umbrella, and enjoying each others company. They weren't paying attention to the obnoxious kids screaming and running around, or any of the other weirdness the beach seemed to bring.

Alex coughed. "Missing mommy and daddy?" He teased.

"No, I was just making sure they were ok."

"Right... Well it's getting hot, you wanna go in the water?" He asked, already stripping off his Big Bang Theory t-shirt. I instantly covered my face, hoping he wouldn't notice the blush that decided to show itself. I feel his warm hands clasp over mine, taking them off my tomato face.

"C'mon, let's go!" My heart thudded against my chest. Knowing I would feel self conscious, I kept my tank top and shorts on.

"Scar, did you forget to wear your swimsuit?" He scolded. His eyes pierced into mine.

"N-no, I'm just... cold!" I lied.

What was wrong with me? Was it because I was surrounded with other girls that had the perfect body shape, I frankly didn't know. Alex frowned at my dumb response.

"Cold? It's nearly burning up."

I swallowed the huge lump in my throat. I sighed, I slowly began to take off the tank top and shorts, revealing my purple bikini.

I couldn't help notice Alex staring at my figure, which deepened the blush haunting my cheeks.

"Cute..." He mumbled. A grin spread on his lips and he grabbed my arm, taking me into the freezing ocean. The cold water splashed against my bare skin, the soft sand squished in between my toes. We passed by families, couples, even some elderly. Little children were closest to the shore area, playing around and splashing each other.

Alex stopped running, then he gave me an evil smirk, we were about belly button deep in the water. Most people seemed to be around this general area as well.

He swiftly dove underneath the water, then he wrapped his muscular arms around my legs. Realization hit me, and right when I was about to move, he jerked my legs towards him, causing me to collapse into the freezing water.

When I came up, my ears were greeted with a uncontrollable laughter. Water dripped from the tips of his brown hair, and if I wasn't so mad at him, I would've said he looked stunning.

"You look like a wet puppy!" He managed to say in between laughter.

Frustrated, I tried to push his large figure into the water, but he didn't budge. I even climbed on his back to attempt to drag him underneath. He was still laughing. I started making waves, attempting to splash Alex in the face.

"I am a waterbender!!" I yelled, finally managing to send a significantly large amount of water his way.

Now it was my turn to laugh, Alex gave me a frustrated look.

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