Chapter 15

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Woohoo! We reached 1K reads! I'm super super super happy, and I wanted to show my appreciation through a longer chapter :3


I decided I just needed a break. Band practices were starting to take over my life, and I just couldn't handle the drama going on right now. Emma has been my main supporter, and I don't think I would be anywhere near sane if it weren't for her.

So I surprised her by sneaking through her window. She just stared at me, blankly as I struggled to get my body through the thin crack I made in the window.

"Scarlet, sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with you, I really need to train you on how to go through a window, you're really bad at it." She chuckled, resulting in a warm smile from me.

"So..." I started, standing up straight. "I wanted to have a girls day out, just you and me."

"Uh huh."

"Anddddd, I thought we could go by Starbucks and-"

"Say no more, I'm in." She stood up from her bed, grabbing clothes from her closet and running to her bathroom. I sat myself down, checking my phone.

Alex: Scarlet

Alex: I'm sorry

Alex: Can we talk about this? Please?

Alex: I overreacted, and I shouldn't have.

Mom: So I was going through you laundry, cause you never do it, and I never knew you had a shirt that says "How do you throw a space party? You planet" I would like to know where you got this shirt ASAP. I really want it. Tootles 😘😘

I replied to my mothers message, but ignored Alex. Yes, I know that's harsh, I just can't handle talking to him right now, I don't want to think about him.

That's what today was for, to have a nice relaxing day with my friend; that's all I needed. So I tucked my phone away, despite all urges to text him back. Emma came back in a plaid shirt and jeans, a smile beaming from her face. From the looks of it, she needed this day too.

"There's a big shopping center about five minutes from here, they have nice clothing stores and stuff." Emma informed. "I need to get a dress, my dad has got a formal business family dinner. I wish I didn't have to go." She pouted.

"At least you've got a good excuse to go shopping!" I winked. She nodded in agreement.

"That's true, although I'd rather be sleeping. Shopping is the next best option though."

She pulled her hair up into a bun and grabbed her keys, as well as her camera. Emma has always been interested in photography, she loves displaying emotion and beauty of the world around her through the pictures she takes. "I'm in the mood for a sandwich, I'm starving--" She paused. "We have to get Subway after Starbucks."

I only nodded, then obediently followed her to her car. She smiled cheekily while turning up the volume to a Katy Perry song, while I sat in the passenger seat looking at my phone.

"He's really on your mind, huh?" Emma enquired, she lifted a curious brow in my direction.

"Yeah, I just can't help but think about it, you know? Here I am wanting time for myself, not wanting to think about it--" I inhaled sharply. "But my emotions are getting the best of me, and it's frustrating."

"I understand, it's tough." She lowered the volume, looking at me as she did so. "Today is our day to hang out, but once you step foot out of my car tonight, you're going to his house. You've gotta talk to him."

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