Authors Note

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Hello again, everyone!

Well, you made it to the end, and for that I am eternally grateful. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sticking with it. A special thank you for those who voted and commented, you all made my day. 

I obviously left the book open for a sequel, and depending on the reactions I get from this book, I may or may not write one. For now, I'm taking a break from this series. In case you're wondering. I've spent a lot of time and effort on finishing this. I need a break. I have some ideas for some completely different books that I'll probably start working on in the near future. 

It is my dream to publish a book. To hold a paperback version of something I have written in my hands. For people to love it. I'm still in school, and this dream can take a little longer if it needs to. This is probably the first book that I have real hopes for, publishing wise. I don't know if publishing is even in the picture yet, but slowly it keeps moving into the frame and someday maybe it will be in focus. 

Now for some thank you's. 

Firstly, Wattpad. Thank you for existing. This book would be sitting in a file on my laptop probably forever if I didn't have this platform to get it out on. 

Thank you to my friend Hayley. Writing isn't something I talk about a lot. I don't like people I know reading my work, but I'm fine with strangers reading it. Funny that. Hayley was the first person to know about the book I was writing (this one) and really encourage me about it. She asked questions, she was excited, she promised she'd be the first one to buy it from the shelf. Maybe she will be. Who knows? So thank you Hayley, for the encouragement. 

Thank you to my Mom. I got to a scene in this book where I just had no idea what to do. So I told my Mom about it. She listened and then gave me a new idea, that I ended up using and helped the idea for the planned sequel flow a lot better. 

I also kind of wanted to give out a general thank you for all the inspiration I gained from movies, TV series, books, current events, people, my life in general. This book wouldn't have been created without a combination of all of these. 

Lastly, thank you to my readers, whom without I would be nothing. Thank you for you're endless support. 

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