You had a friend in me

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·End the call, you are sabotaging yourself and wasting time!·

Omen ended the call, he didn't want to waste any more time. He knew that they would look for Amicum and he didn't want them to surprise him. When Amicum's wife called, he intentionally let her hear everything so that when police come, they won't surprise him. She is probably calling them in this very moment. He must act fast and finish what he started.

Omen stood in one place, thinking, having second thoughts. He looked to his hands, red from blood and then turned around. Amicum's screaming was such a distraction at this point, the man couldn't die. Omen burned him so many times and even put him in metallic water tank. Got some wood and made a really nice fire beneath Amicum, and let the flames to there work of heating the water. He tried to fight is and get out, but Omen made sure that he can't move, not even a little bit.

Omen was getting nerves, he started to doubt his actions and everything that is happening that day. Something was blurring his thoughts but he wasn't sure what. Screaming didn't stop so Omen came closer to his friend and looked at him. All he could see was suffering abomination that was once a human being.

°He is in so much agony and I put him there. Why am I doing this to him. He didn't do anything bad to me and I'm torturing him.° little bit of logic seeped into Omen's thoughts.

°I know I wasn't like this, something changed in me. What did make me snap like this? Since I woke up, I have been having thoughts that I usually don't have, like they even aren't my own. Every time I try to stop for a second and think clearly, I get confused and everything seems blurred. I can't take this anymore, this man is screaming and I don't like noise. I enjoy peace and not this loud screams. I must end this.°

Omen took the knife he had on him. He thought a gun would probably be better, a gun he hides under the bed. He didn't buy it to protect himself if someone attacked, well after all it could be used for that too, but reason he both it was to try it out, to let little bit of adrenaline kick in, to have fun. Omen thought that the only real reason he should use the gun is for protection and not to kill a friend.

His grip was getting harder around the handle of the knife. He moved his hand slowly to his friend and stoped when the tip of knife was on Amicum's chest. Omen could feel heart that was beating fast, rushing and not slowing down. Screaming wasn't heard anymore, Amicum knew what will happen so he just got quite. Omen looked him in the eyes "Goodbye old friend". Amicum didn't say anything.

Hand moved slowly and knife started  cutting down burned skin and flesh until it went throw heart and couldn't go any further. Whole time Amicum didn't say anything, he just looked Omen right in the eyes. They were blue, beautiful, they started to close little by little until finally, he died.

Omen had a chance to think clearly but not here in that room filled with smell of flesh. He took chair that was close to him, dragged it outside and sat on it.
Omen looked in distance and started to think about everything...

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